Kuun-Lan | Encyclopedia Hiigara | Fandom
The Kuun-Lan ("Purifying Flame" in Kharakid) is an Explorer-class Deep Space Mining Vessel, the Kiith Somtaaw Command Ship and the player controlled mothership of Homeworld: Cataclysm. The Kuun-Lan is the second and more advanced of two Explorer-class vessels made by the Somtaaw during their...
'Homeworld': Kuun-Lan — The Deep Space Mining Vessel That …
2024年6月2日 · The Kuun-Lan was an Explorer-class Deep Space Mining Vessel designed by the engineers of Kiith Somtaaw. It was the second such vessel manufactured by the Somtaaw, and while its older sibling had the best personnel, the Kuun-Lan had the benefit of lessons learned in the construction of the older model.
Homeworld: Cataclysm - Wikipedia
Set fifteen years after the events of the first game, Cataclysm follows the Kuun-Lan, a Kushaan mining starship that attempts to counter "the Beast", a destructive nanobot virus, while combatting the imperialist remnants of the Taiidan Empire, who seek revenge on …
Homeworld Cataclysm - The Kuun-Lan - YouTube
In the Post-Hiigaran Landfall era, one mining ship goes from hauling rocks, to hauling the one chance of victory against an all-consuming enemy. ...more. Twitter: / macslore Patreon:...
家园:惊世浩劫 - 百度百科
Kuun-Lan号分析了吊舱和底层甲板,确认了吊舱中放出的不明物质是一种特殊的微生物,它既能感染生物又能感染机械,由此控制飞船,并将其命名为“Beast”,Beast同样具有智慧,而被Beast感染后的大型飞船放出的红色光束也被命名为“感染光束”,被感染的飞船表面有红色的霉状斑块。 之后Kuun-Lan号发现了一股被Beast感染的图拉尼海盗舰队正在攻击一艘本图西贸易船,Kuun-Lan号与希格拉援军Caal-Shto号航空母舰舰队一同抵抗,但Beast的一艘重巡洋舰出现并向本图西贸易 …
Homeworld Cataclysm - The Kuun-Lan : r/homeworld - Reddit
2022年3月19日 · Late in the game when you are upgraded with a siege cannon and plasma weapons and heavy armor and a fleet of dreads he switches over to a very badass sounding "This is the Warship Kuun-Lan" and you can tell he means business.
Somtaaw "Kuun-lan" Command Ship - well-of-souls.com
The Kuun-Lan launched on day 35 with more powerful engines, an extra layer of armor, and a 30% greater module capacity. It is these modules that are the core of the Explorer-class design philosophy.
If Homeworld: Emergence Remastered *does* happen, Gearbox …
2017年6月24日 · Campbell Lane sadly passed away a few years ago, but you all know what he does. Pam Hyatt gave her voice for the Kuun-Lan's tactical ops officer. The world of Canadian voice actors feels pretty small. Emergence/Cataclysm was helped immensely by its diverse and talented voice actor cast.
2021年2月10日 · This is the Somtaaw Mining Vessel Kuun-Lan! In the next (and, sadly, canonically disputed) chapter of the Homeworld Saga, the player commands a mining clan k...
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2016年1月23日 · 索托瓦族是在回归中的“冬眠种族”之一,他们在新戴阿米德中没有发言权,为了能够同那些列强基斯相抗衡,索托瓦族渴望力量。 返回希格拉15年后的某一天,索托瓦族正驾驶着采矿船在浩瀚的宇宙中开采资源。 突然采矿船收到了一段来自于希格拉附近的求救讯号...... 第一关:希格拉 Hiigara. (索托瓦 (Somtaaw)采矿船科尔兰号 (Kuun-Lan) 无线电通讯:“这里是纳巴族运载舰维莱克号 (Veer-Rak),希格拉的同胞们,泰坦帝国的舰队正在攻击我们,他们准备袭击希 …