KK 62 - Wikipedia
The KK 62 (from Finnish konekivääri 62, 'machine gun 62'), officially 7.62 KK 62 (previously also 7.62 KvKK 62, from Finnish kevyt konekivääri, 'light machine gun') and colloquially KVKK or KVKK 62, is a Finnish 7.62×39mm light machine gun designed in late 1950s with the first prototype ready for testing in 1960.
7,62 KvKK 62 – Wikipedia
7.62 KvKK 62 (7.62 konekivääri 62) on Suomen puolustusvoimien käytössä oleva suomalaisvalmisteinen kevyt konekivääri, joka otettiin käyttöön vuonna 1962. [2] . Aseita valmistettiin Valmetin Tourulan tehtaalla yhteensä 6 500 kappaletta. [3] . Aseen tekniikka perustuu osin tšekkiläiseen vz.52/57 -konekivääriin [4] ja englantiseen Bren-pikakivääriin.
服役半个多世纪,芬兰KVKK62轻机枪 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
KVKK 62是以捷克ZB 26轻机枪为基础设计的 (尽管它们外形上一点也不像),采用长行程活塞导气式自动原理,枪机偏移式闭锁。 机匣用钢材加工而成,枪托也为金属式,内部安装复进弹簧。 使用100发 不可散弹链 供弹,子弹可以装在一个弹袋内挂在机匣右侧,供弹口位于右侧,枪管前部可以安装双脚架,枪口安装裂口式的消焰器。 握把为空心管状结构,没有设置扳机护圈,这是为了方便士兵在冬季戴着手套时操作机枪,不过这也带来一些隐患,扳机被误触的概率增大。 为了 …
Valmet KvKK-62 - Weaponsystems.net
The KvKK-62 is a machine gun of Finnish origin. Development started in 1957 with pre-production starting in the early 1960's. The KvKK-62 was accepted for service in 1962 and entered service in 1966. KvKK stand for "Kevyt KoneKivaari", Finnish for "light machine gun". The number 62 stands for the year of introduction.
KvKK 62: The Ugly Duckling of Light Machine Guns
2017年7月11日 · The KvKK 62 was a squad automatic counterpart to the Rk 62, Finland’s domestic Kalashnikov rifle. It is an open bolt light machine gun chambered for 7.62x39mm, feeding from push-through RPD-style belts and firing at a rate of about 1000 rounds/minute.
服役半个多世纪,芬兰KVKK62轻机枪 - 网易
2021年7月30日 · KVKK 62是以捷克ZB 26轻机枪为基础设计的 (尽管它们外形上一点也不像),采用长行程活塞导气式自动原理,枪机偏移式闭锁。 机匣用钢材加工而成,枪托也为金属式,内部安装复进弹簧。 使用100发不可散弹链供弹,子弹可以装在一个弹袋内挂在机匣右侧,供弹口位于右侧,枪管前部可以安装双脚架,枪口安装裂口式的消焰器。 握把为空心管状结构,没有设置扳机护圈,这是为了方便士兵在冬季戴着手套时操作机枪,不过这也带来一些隐患,扳机被误触的概 …
每期一枪| 芬兰-瓦尔梅特KvKK.62轻机枪 - 壹读
KvKK.62轻机枪的设计以捷克斯洛伐克ZB Vz.26轻机枪为基础,尽管两者在外观上几乎没有相似之处。 该枪采用长行程活塞导气式自动原理、枪机偏移式闭锁原理。
KK 62 - Wikiwand
The KK 62, officially 7.62 KK 62 and colloquially KVKK or KVKK 62, is a Finnish 7.62×39mm light machine gun designed in late 1950s with the first prototype ready for testing in 1960. It was officially adopted as the standard infantry support weapon of the Finnish Defence Forces (FDF) in 1962 as the 7.62 konekivääri 62; the first weapons were ...
7.62 KvKK 62 – Corporal Frisk
2014年9月22日 · The Finnish-built 7.62 KvKK 62 machine-gun has recently received a hail of criticism apparently coming from a short article in the Swedish version of YLE News. This bills the machine gun as both unreliable and dangerous, and questions why the Finnish Defence Forces continues to use this dangerous weapon.
KvKK-62 - Weaponsystems.net
The KvKK-62 is a machine gun of Finnish origin. Development started in 1957 with pre-production starting in the early 1960's. The KvKK-62 was accepted for service in 1962 and entered service in 1966. KvKK stand for Kevyt KoneKivaari, Finnish for light machine gun. The number 62 stands for the year of introduction.