1997 Kawasaki KX60 series full range specs - MotorbikeCatalog
gasoline (petrol) engine with displacement: 60.4 cm3 / 3.7 cui, advertised power: 11 kW / 15 hp / 15 PS ( DIN ), torque: 9 Nm / 7 lb-ft; characteristic dimensions: outside length: 1560 mm / 61.4 in, width: 705 mm / 27.8 in, wheelbase: 1080 mm / 42.5 …
2002 Kawasaki KX 60 Technical Specifications - Ultimate Specs
How much horsepower does a Kawasaki KX 60 has? The Kawasaki KX 60 has 15.00 HP (10.9 kW). How much does a Kawasaki KX 60 weighs? The Kawasaki KX 60 weighs 50.5 kg (111.3 pounds). How many gears does a Kawasaki KX 60 has? The Kawasaki KX 60 has 6 gears.
Kawasaki KX60 series data catalogue - MotorbikeCatalog
model KX60 series belongs to mini bikes class. Represents the "Motocross, off-road motorcycles" market segment. The motorbike was offered between the years 1983 and 2003. Motorbikes were equipped with engines of 60.4 cc (3.7 cui) displacement, delivering …
What year is this KX60 motor???? - Kawasaki Motorcycle Forums
2007年5月8日 · The beginning engine number for 1989 is KX060BE009201 and that is the number listed through 2001 for the B17 model. The beginning frame number in 89 was also 009201. Your number, 14961, is 5760 from 009201.
Kawasaki Motorcycle Engines and Engine Parts for Kawasaki …
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Engines & Parts for Kawasaki KX60 for sale - eBay
Shop Engines & Parts for Kawasaki KX60 with eBay Guaranteed Fit. Great deals. Massive selection from top brands on eBay.com.
KAWASAKI KX60 Parts and Technical Specifications - Webike Japan
View KAWASAKI KX60 specifications and parts and accessories. Japanese Online shop of motorcycle parts and accessories. Offering worldwide shipping from Japan.
Kawasaki KX60 Engine Parts - Pistons & Camshafts
MOTORCYCLEiD is your trusted source for all your Kawasaki KX60 Engine Parts needs. We expand our inventory daily to give you the latest and greatest in Motorcycle products.
Fiche technique Kawasaki KX 60 2T (1985 -2001) - 50factory.com
Caractéristiques techniques de la Kawasaki KX 60 (1985-2001) Partie moteur. Moteur : monocylindre, 2 temps, Démarrage : électrique et kick. Refroidissement : liquide. Cylindrée : 60 cm3. Puissance maxi : 15 cv à 12 000 tr/min. Alimentation : Carburateur Mikuni Ø 24 mm. Boîte de vitesses : 6 rapports. Partie cycle. Cadre : périmétrique ...
Kawasaki KX60 Parts and Engine Repair Services
Shop for Kawasaki KX60 Parts and Engine Repair Services for all 1983-2003 models. Top End Rebuild Kits, Piston Kits, Tires, Cylinder Boring and more!