Kawanishi KX-03 | Aeronautica Wiki | Fandom
The KX-03 is a super-large flying boat researched by Kawanishi Aircraft at the request of the Imperial Japanese Navy (the actual aircraft was not manufactured).
Kawanishi KX-3 Very-Heavy Flying Boat Project - Military Factory
2020年5月29日 · PROPOSED: 12 x Rikugun Kogugijutsu Kenkyujo (RKK) Ne 201 turboprop engines developing 1,870 horsepower each driving multi-bladed propellers in puller fashion; 4 to 6 x Mitsubishi Ne 330 turbojet engines developing 2,866lb of thrust each. Operational range when compared to distances between major cities (in KM).
日本人的狂想:川西KX-3 比航母还大的超巨型飞机_凤凰网
2021年9月13日 · 随着对500吨级飞行艇机翼的设计和机翼结构重量的计算,KX-3项目小组设计了一个具有船型外观前部的艇体,并通过风洞实验和水上实验证实了巡航功率等数据。 川西KX-3的全长为162米,机翼总宽度达到180米,体积比很多日本军舰还大,机翼面积甚至超过一些日军小型航母的甲板面积。 由于尺寸巨大,它的机组人员预计为62人,最大起飞重量超过460吨,可以一次性运送日军一个大队的兵力(约900人)。 川西KX-3超巨型水上飞机三视彩图。 川西KX-3的 …
KX-3 (航空機) - Wikipedia
KX-3 は、 大日本帝国海軍 の要望を受けて 川西航空機 が研究した超大型 飛行艇。 「KX-03」とも呼ばれる [1]。 実機は製作されていない。 1943年 (昭和 18年)初頭、海軍は川西に対して、500 t飛行艇の技術的実現性の有無についての研究を要請した [2]。 これを受けた川西は、 竹内為信 技師をチームリーダー、 菊原静男 技師を統括協力者として、全備重量100 tから500 tまでの大型機の研究の一環という形でKX-3の研究を開始した [1][3]。 その中で500 t主翼を設計して …
Kawanishi KX-3: Photos, History, Specification
In order to protect the slow, bulky aircraft from enemy fighter jets, the KX-3 is likely to follow the existing Kawaii airship in armament -- a hybrid of an automatic cannon and machine gun.
Kawasaki KX-03 flying boat design of 1943 for Imperial ... - Blogger
The Imperial Japanese navy ordered early 1943 the Kawasaki plant to investigate the possibilities of building a flying boat measuring 500 tons. According to the techical reports No. 51, 544 4 and 566 were her dimensionsions to be an overall length of 162 metres, a wings span of 180 metres and a height of 35,4 metres.
Kawanishi KX-03 - Super-large Flying Boat - DeviantArt
2023年2月1日 · At the beginning of 1943, the Navy requested Kawanishi Aircraft to study the technical feasibility of a 500t flying boat. Research on KX-03 has started. The main wing is partly made of wood, and the engine is all mounted on the upper surface of the main wing using a pylon. It was in the form of using the [Ne 330] turbojet engine as auxiliary power.
Kawanishi KX-03 giant 500-ton flying boat - Secret Projects …
2008年10月23日 · Anyone knows Kawanishi super large 500 ton flying boat study called KX-03? Any dimensions/specifications for this aircraft? I'd like to see how it compares to the Spruce Goose. Enjoy your summer vacation blackkite, I will wait in anticipation! Don't laugh, don't cry, don't even curse, but.....
讯拓(Sunt)轻装上阵KX03 键鼠套装 电脑键盘 黑色 *2件多少钱
2020年2月23日 · 讯拓(Sunt)轻装上阵KX03 键鼠套装 电脑键盘 黑色 *2件31.9元(合15.95元/件)什么值得买甄选出京东优惠促销商品,包括SUNT/讯拓报价、多少钱等信息,认真生活,好好花钱就上什么值得买。
Kawanishi KX-03 - SimplePlanes
The Impenal Japanese navy ordered in early 1943 the Kawasaki plant to investigate the possibilities of building a flying boat measuring 300 tons According to the technical reports, her dimensions were to be an overall length of 162 meters, a wingspan of 180 meters and a height of 35.4 meters. The wing area was estimated to be 1,150 square meters.