KY-57 VINSON - Crypto Museum
TSEC/KY-57 is a wide-band secure voice (WBSV) encryption unit, developed in the mid-1970s by the US National Security Agency (NSA) as replacement for NESTOR cryptographic products like the KY-38. It was used with a wide range of military …
KY-57 - The RadioReference Wiki
2016年5月19日 · The KY-57 is the primary piece of VINSON COMSEC equipment used today for voice/data encryption on VHF radios and for a large number of wireline devices. When hooked to a radio, a teletype piece of gear, or a telephone device, the KY-57 can scramble (encrypt) the information being passed through it so only stations on our net having the same ...
KY-57 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
KY-57语音加密设备 是一种使用 美国国家安全局 研制之VINSON算法加密的便携式加密设备,该设备可为军队提供 通信 加密服务,例如: 无线发报 和 通话业务。 北约 及其盟友一直使用KY-57使用到冷战结束。 退役后该设备被归类为受控密码部件(CCI),如有需要接收涉密密钥的情况时,设备的涉密等级将提升为密钥的密级。 该密钥有可代替的设备处理时,该机器将不被授权处理涉密信息。 虽然KY-57已经解密,但其技术细节依旧未公开。
KY-57 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 - zh.wikipedia.org
2019年10月3日 · KY-57语音加密设备 是一种使用 美国国家安全局 研制之VINSON算法加密的便携式加密设备,该设备可为军队提供 通信 加密服务,例如: 无线发报 和 通话业务。 北约 及其盟友一直使用KY-57使用到冷战结束。 退役后该设备被归类为受控密码部件(CCI),如有需要接收涉密密钥的情况时,设备的涉密等级将提升为密钥的密级。 该密钥有可代替的设备处理时,该机器将不被授权处理涉密信息。 虽然KY-57已经解密,但其技术细节依旧未公开。
KY-57 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書 - zh.wikipedia.org
KY-57語音加密設備 是一種使用 美國國家安全局 研製之VINSON算法加密的便攜式加密設備,該設備可為軍隊提供 通信 加密服務,例如: 無線發報 和 通話業務。 北約 及其盟友一直使用KY-57使用到冷戰結束。 退役後該設備被歸類為受控密碼部件(CCI),如有需要接收涉密密鑰的情況時,設備的涉密等級將提升為密鑰的密級。 該密鑰有可代替的設備處理時,該機器將不被授權處理涉密信息。 雖然KY-57已經解密,但其技術細節依舊未公開。
VINSON - Crypto Museum
2024年4月19日 · VINSON was in production until 1993, after which the devices were gradually replaced by ANDVT equipment like KY-99 and KY-100. Nevertheless, the NSA started a modernisation program in 2013, to provide drop-in replacements for KY-57 and KY-58, based on modern electronics .
The KY-57 was a wide-band voice encryption unit that was developed in the USA during the 1970s as a replacement of the NESTOR cryptographic products, such as the KY-38. It was suitable for use with a wide range of military radios and telehone lines.
KY-57 - Military Wiki | Fandom
The Speech Security Equipment (VINSON), TSEC/KY-57, is a portable, tactical cryptographic device in the VINSON family, designed to provide voice encryption for a range of military communication devices such as radio or telephone. The KY-57 was in use by NATO and its allies towards the end of the...
VINSON - Wikipedia
VINSON is a family of voice encryption devices used by U.S. and allied military and law enforcement, based on the NSA's classified Suite A SAVILLE encryption algorithm and 16 kbit/s CVSD audio compression. It replaces the Vietnam War …
VINSON (KY-57) - National Security Agency/Central Security Service
2021年8月4日 · vinson (ky-57) This device provided secure radio communications through scrambling and was the follow-on to the NESTOR (KY-38). The device was used by U.S. and allied military and law enforcement.