能源管理 - 金元福包裝企業股份有限公司 - KYF
金元福 2021 年 8 月正式加入國際百分百再生能源倡議 re100 (報導連結),成為台灣首家、也是目前唯一通過 re100 審查認可之塑膠容器製造廠,並設定目標於 2030 年、2040 年分別達成 60.0%、90.0% 之階段性目標,逐步邁向淨零,為地球升溫不超過1.5°c 之目標盡一份心力。
報告書下載 - 金元福包裝企業股份有限公司 - KYF
金元福自2019 年起發行ESG永續報告書,希望協助所有利害關係人瞭解金元福如何致力於落實企業永續發展的相關資訊。 本報告書內容詳實說明我們在公司治理、環境保護、員工照顧、社會關懷等方面的成果與努力方向。
2021年8月18日 · 金元福包裝企業股份有限公司 (下稱金元福)於今 (2021)年8月18日,正式宣布加入國際百分百再生能源倡議RE100,成為台灣首家、也是目前唯一通過RE100審查認可之塑膠容器製造廠,承諾於2050年達到百分之百採用再生能源,並於2030年、2040年分別達成60%、90%之階段性目標,逐步邁向淨零,為《巴黎氣候協定》地球升溫不超過1.5°C之目標盡一份心力。 身為國際真空和壓空成型容器大廠,金元福的使命是「成為全球包裝產業可靠與永續的包裝設計及 …
GLOBAL REPORTING INITIATIVE REPORTING UNIVERSAL STANDARD (2021) CONCLUSIONS, FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The report, KYF’s CS Report of 2021, complies with the Requirements for reporting with reference to the GRI Standards set out in Section 3 of GRI 1. The significant impacts are assessed and disclosed with reference to the
KYF joins RE100, uses green electricity, and moves towards net …
2021年8月18日 · KYF promises to use 100% renewable electricity by 2050 with stage goals of 60% in 2030 and 90% in 2040 respectively. By gradually moving towards net zero, KYF will do its best to achieve the goal of limiting the global warming of 1.5°C, set by Paris Agreement.
2021 ESG Sustainability Report is the self-disclosed corporate sustainability performance of “King Yuan Fu Packaging Enterprise Co., Ltd.(KYF)”, covering the “Environment (E)”, “Society (S)” and “Governance (G)” performance from January 1st to December 31st, 2021 while some from …
KYF® 2021 COACH REGISTRATION & REQUIREMENTS MANDATORY FOR ALL KYF® COACHES! Please use the link below to apply as a 2021 KYF® Coach. All KYF® Coaches must complete 4 mandatory requirements, head coaches have a 5th Step 1. Apply/Register using the link below (All Coaches) 2. Login and also register as a coach in registration system (All ...
Katy Youth Football - "Doin' It For The Kids"
2015年6月16日 · KYF® Cheer: the best (& most family-friendly!) non-competition cheer choice in Katy! CLICK HERE TO REGISTER FOR KYF® CHEER We are...
2021年8月5日 · When official practices begin in August, the following schedule MUST be adhered to, to insure player safety and to achieve heat acclimatization. Coaches may restrict practice further at their discretion, but may never practice beyond the limitations contained in the KYF® COVID-19 Guidelines:
Energy Management - 金元福包裝企業股份有限公司 - KYF
In August 2021, we became an official member of the Climate Group’s RE100 Initiative (media coverage link) and the first (and so far only) plastic container manufacturer to pass the RE100 review process. We commit to achieve 100% renewable electricity by 2050.