Kymco Xciting Motorcycles For Sale - Cycle Trader
Looking to buy a Kymco Xciting motorcycle? Browse our extensive inventory of new and used Kymco Xciting motorcycles from local Kymco dealers and private sellers. Compare prices, models, trims, options and specifications between different Kymco motorcycles on Cycle Trader.
KYMCO 光陽機車官網|Xciting S400 TCS
極致的操控與舒適體驗完美結合:經過優化調校後的Xciting S400 TCS在動力演繹方面,不僅具備目前同級車中24.3kW最大馬力和35.3Nm最大扭力的強悍性能,全新調校的引擎,擁有非常線性且綿密的動力輸出,無論是在走走停停的都會區道路進行低速騎乘,或是在郊區 ...
XCITING S 400 – Kymco Philippines
Xciting S 400i is a sport touring scooter design to satisfy riders seeking the blend of performance and comfort equipped with Kymco Rider Interactive System (Noodoe). SRP ₱ 369,000.00
2023 KYMCO Xciting VS 400 試駕|堆疊層次外型小改 不變的是 …
2023年12月27日 · 近期的 Xciting 400 改款在 2018 年開始的 Xciting S400 開始使用較為尖銳且運動風格明確的線條設計,而在 2020 年則是導入了 TCS 循跡防滑控制系統並更名為 Xciting S400 TCS,在當時可是喊出了加量不加價的口號,而在 2023 年發表的 Xciting VS 400 則是在硬體上保 …
KYMCO 光陽機車官網|Xciting VS 400
行政院環境保護署、內政部警政署及公路監理機關將針對車主擾寧之行為及製造噪音之車輛加強取締,以維護民眾生活安寧。 KYMCO車主請使用原廠零件,不要改裝非法元件,以免觸法受罰 …
XCITING VS 400 – Kymco Philippines
Xciting VS 400i is a full ABS with TCS, Keyless sport touring scooter design to satisfy riders seeking the blend of performance and comfort.
2018 Kymco Xciting 400i Review - First Ride - Motorcycle.com
2017年6月1日 · At $5,999, the new-for-2018 Kymco Xciting 400i carves out a unique place in the North American market for high-performance maxi-scooters.
Kymco Xciting | Motor Scooter Guide - BestBeginnerMotorcycles
KYMCO XCITING 250 / 400 / 500. Originally launched internationally for 2005 and into the USA market for 2006, the Xciting was Kymco’s first maxi-scooter and has served as their flagship maxi offering in North America ever since. It remains on sale as the Xciting 400 as of 2019.
XCITING S350 sử dụng động cơ xi-lanh đơn, làm mát bằng dung dịch, dung tích 321cc. Tiếng ồn của ống xả rất sâu và rung động, động cơ hoạt động bất chấp kích thước của xe, với mô-men xoắn cực đại 30 Nm đạt được tại 5.750 vòng / phút.
KYMCO Xciting S 400 - Motortrade
Xciting S 400 Is a sport touring scooter design to satisfy riders seeking the blend of performance and comfort equipped with Kymco Rider Interactive System (Noodoe). REBATE : 15,000