Kynd Kit - Project Helping
Kynd Kits are volunteer projects in a box. Everything you need to do a meaningful project for someone in need is delivered right to your door.
Home - Project Helping
Kynd Kit are volunteer projects in a box that can be done anywhere. Use the kits for employee engagement, to volunteer at home, or bring wellness tools to your school.
Kits - Project Helping
Check out a comprehensive list of available Kynd Kits. estimated time to complete each one. Get Started! Kynd Kits are perfect for a corporate volunteer effort, whether in-person or virtual. Or get kits sent directly to your home to do with friends and family. To see a filtered view by kit type, select it from the list above.
KyndKit - Volunteer Projects Delivered – Kynd Kit
Kynd Kits are a product of Project Helping. We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. Our mission is to make it ridiculously easy to volunteer because doing good for your community is good for your mental health. Learn more.
Kynd Kit Samples | Project Helping — Katzke Packaging Co.
2020年8月28日 · What are Kynd Kits? Kynd Kits are volunteer projects in a box. They can be shipped anywhere in the world and delivered directly to each employee's home to create a unique, hands-on volunteer experience. Kynd Kits make …
Kynd Bar – Kynd Kit
Choose as many kits as you want to fill the Kynd Bar. Some examples are: chemo care kits; homeless dignity kits; military gratitude kits; kits for children in the foster care system; See all available kits HERE
Kynd Kiosk Plus – Kynd Kit
WHAT IS A KYND KIOSK? The Kynd Kiosk is like a vending machine for volunteer projects! Each kiosk is filled with Kynd Kits, which are volunteer projects in a box. HOW IT WORKS Footprint: 17" Wide X 22" Deep Capacity: 45 Classic Kits Made From Sturdy Industrial Grade Cardboard Lightweight and Easy to move Fold Together
Kynd: 追求科技与自然 为全球女性提供美丽的“秘密武器” - 知乎
2025年2月24日 · 这款产品是Kynd与全球顶尖的 斯坦福生物科技研究中心 共创的结晶,它突破了市面上单一虾青素的局限,通过AI大模型的精准计算,得出了独家复配护肝金三角GL232™。这一创新配方不仅能够由内而外抗衰祛黄,还能有效净化肌肤,让女性无需滤镜也能拥有自然好 ...
What is a Kynd Kit - Project Helping
What is a Kynd Kit and how does it work? Kynd Kits are designed to be used by anyone. Individuals, families, small group, and any sized company can use Kynd Kits to make an impact on the community no matter where they are. Kynd Kits include everything you need to build something for someone in need no matter where you are.
Season of Kyndness - KYND
Over 200 boxes of toys collected for The Jared Box Project. Leon County Humane Society’s mission is to Rescue, Rehabilitate, & Educate; Fostering a Kinder Community for People and Their Pets.