Kyrie - Wikipedia
The Kyrie is the first sung prayer of the Mass ordinary and is usually part of any musical setting of the Mass, one exception being the early English school, whose liturgy featured a troped Kyrie that was therefore proper to the day.
Kyrie, Eleison / Lord, Have Mercy - A Collection of Prayers
2017年6月26日 · Kyrie eleison (KI-ree-ay ay-LAY-ee-zonn) or “Lord, have mercy” is a short prayer that is important in Christian worship. It is a prayer from the heart about human need.
A Walk Through the Liturgy: The Kyrie - What Does This Mean?
2025年1月8日 · The word Kyrie is the Greek word for Lord, which is the first word we sing in prayer. But Kyrie is shorthand for the longer phrase: Kyrie Eleison or in English “Lord have mercy.” This prayer is perhaps the most basic prayer in the entire world. It certainly is the most frequent prayer to Jesus that we can find in the Gospels.
Kyrie Eleison: Meaning & History of a Timeless Christian Phrase
2023年9月18日 · What does it mean? Quick Answer: The phrase Kyrie eleison, meaning "Lord, have mercy," is commonly used as a request for mercy before a formal prayer or as a congregational response during worship in various Christian churches. The phrase "Kyrie Eleison" is also the title of a hymn that is widely used in various denominations.
The Parts of the Mass: The Kyrie and the Gloria
2019年10月2日 · Next time you go to Mass, and you enter into the Kyrie and Gloria, really enter into these prayers and celebrate the goodness of the Lord. What are your thoughts on these parts of the Mass?
垂怜经 - 百度百科
垂怜经(希腊语:Κύριε,拉丁语:Kyrie),是基督宗教用于礼仪的一首诗歌,亦是一般弥撒曲中的第1个乐章。 “垂怜经”亦有译作“怜悯颂”、“求主怜悯”等。
kyrie – A Collection of Prayers
2023年9月23日 · The purpose of the Kyrie at the beginning of the service, long or short, is to cast all our cares and needs before the Lord. The common Kyrie above (“In peace let us pray to the Lord…”) has the repeated theme of peace.
Kyrie Eleison, Lord Have Mercy - Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of …
1997年8月13日 · "God, be merciful to me the sinner," prayed the Publican. His only plea was for mercy, Kyrie Eleison! Without this prayer Christianity would be a philosophy, a history, a code but not a religion that saves. The same theme of God's mercy is expressed again in the Gospel lesson of the Prodigal Son.
Kyrie – Lutheran Liturgy
2023年3月7日 · In the Kyrie, we ask for God’s grace again, recognizing that it is only by God’s mercy that any of our requests can be granted. The phrase “Kyrie eleison” is Greek for “Lord, have mercy”. This basic prayer comes from the parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector in Luke 18:9-14: The Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector
Kyrie - Wikisource, the free online library
2015年1月30日 · Kyrie, a transliteration of Greek Κύριε (Kyrie), is a common name of an important prayer of Christian liturgy, also called the Kyrie eleison. This version is from The Golden Manual: a Guide to Catholic Devotion, published 1850 by Burns & Lambert, London