Angular momentum L=rxP and L=I x omega - Physics Forums
2019年3月23日 · When do we use L=r x P and L=I x Omega (angular velocity)? in old 8.01x - Lect 24, I pasted here link of the lecture, which will take you at exact time (at 27:02)he says "spin …
Whats the equation for rotational momentum? - Physics Forums
2015年6月6日 · In summary, when calculating angular momentum, you must consider the point of origin. For an object rotating on its own axis, the angular momentum is given by L=Iw, where I …
Solved 2. Operator of the orbital angular momentum is - Chegg
Question: 2. Operator of the orbital angular momentum is defined as the cross-product L=rxp, where p is the momentum operator. Find the commutator [., Ly).
Solved Angular momentum for a point particle L=rxp For point
Angular momentum for a point particle L=rxp For point particle angular momentum about "O" is: L=rxp L=rxp=rxm v=mrx v a) For a point mass that is rotating in a circle in a counter clockwise …
Why is the symbol for angular momentum L? - Physics Forums
2009年3月9日 · Why is the symbol for angular momentum "L?" So far, the best explanation I've come across is: This comes from the "right hand rule" of vector cross products. The vector for …
Solved P2.6 In classical mechanics, the angular momentum - Chegg
Question: P2.6 In classical mechanics, the angular momentum vector L is defined by L =rxp. Determine the x component of L. Substitute quantum mechanical operators for the component …
Commutators of Angular momentum operator - Physics Forums
2012年5月9日 · 3.With L=rxp, why are we multiplying i (hbar) instead of multiplying by i/ (hbar), coz at the beginning, we change all the d/dx or d/dy or d/dz to px, py, pz, why aren't we …
Solved Recall the definition of the angular momentum as - Chegg
Question: Recall the definition of the angular momentum as L=rxp, where p is the momentum operator n 3D and r is the position vector (x,y,z). a. Do the components of angular momentum …
2 hard angular momentum problems - Physics Forums
2010年11月21日 · FAQ: 2 hard angular momentum problems What is angular momentum? Angular momentum is a physical quantity that represents the rotational motion of an object …
Angular Momentum of a Particle Confusion - Physics Forums
2014年12月12日 · Homework Statement I was reading the textbook section on angular momentum, and I'm having some difficulty grasping angular momentum. Here is a question: In …