Michael L. Gross - Google Scholar
ML Gross, EK Chess, PA Lyon, FW Crow, S Evans, H Tudge. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry and Ion Physics 42 (4), 243-254, 1982. 258: 1982: Applied Electrospray Mass Spectrometry: Practical Spectroscopy Series Volume 32. BN Pramanik, AK Ganguly, ML Gross. CRC Press, 2002. 252: 2002:
Michael L. Gross | Department of Chemistry
Professor of Chemistry and of Immunology and Internal Medicine (School of Medicine) Our main research goals are to develop mass-spectrometry-based methods and apply them in collaborations to understand proteins, their solvent accessibility, aggregation, interfaces, affinities of binding, and their folding.
Leonard Gross - Wikipedia
Leonard Gross (born February 24, 1931) is an American mathematician and Professor Emeritus of Mathematics at Cornell University. [1] Gross has made fundamental contributions to mathematics and the mathematically rigorous study of quantum field theory. Leonard Gross graduated from James Madison High School in December 1948.
Michael L. Gross (chemist) - Wikipedia
Michael L. Gross (born 1940) is Professor of Chemistry, Medicine, and Immunology, at Washington University in St. Louis. He was formerly Professor of Chemistry at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln from 1968–1994.
Nature子刊:利用蛋白质快速光化学氧化与质谱连用解析蛋白质高级结构 …
Michael L. Gross自1968年起在质谱领域独立开展研究工作。 目前为圣路易斯华盛顿大学(Washington University in St. Louis)化学系,免疫系与药学系教授,同时担任圣路易斯华盛顿大学—美国国立卫生研究院质谱中心(NIH / NIGMS Biomedical Mass Spectrometry Resource)主 …
Michael L. Gross, PhD - Washington University in St. Louis
Michael L. Gross, PhD. Professor of Chemistry, Medicine, Immunology. Email: [email protected]
1. High Performance Mass Spectrometry: Chemical Applications, Michael L. Gross, American Chemical Society Symposium Series, 70, 1978, 358 pp. 2. Mass Spectrometry in the …
Michael L. Gross(化学家) - 华文百科
迈克尔· L·格罗斯(Michael L.他以前是1968 - 1994年内内布拉斯加州林肯大学化学教授。 他因其对质谱和离子化学领域的贡献而受到认可。 他认为发现了距离离子,该化学物质在同一分子的不同原子上含有自由基和离子位点。
Leo Gross - Google Scholar
L Gross, N Moll, F Mohn, A Curioni, G Meyer, F Hanke, M Persson. Physical Review Letters 107 (8), 086101, 2011. 384: 2011: Heavy oil based mixtures of different origins and treatments studied by atomic force microscopy.
Gross, Michael L. - George Washington University - Department of …
Implementing Fast Photochemical Oxidation of Proteins (FPOP) as a Footprinting Approach to Solve Diverse Problems in Structural Biology, Bojie Zhang, Ming Cheng, Don Rempel, and Michael L. Gross, Methods, 144, 94-103 (2018) MRI is a DNA Damage Response Adaptor during Classical Non-Homologous End Joining, Putzer J. Hung, Britney Johnson, Bo-Ruei ...