Synthesis of single-phase L10-FeNi magnet powder by nitrogen …
2017年10月16日 · Tetrataenite (L 1 0 -FeNi) is a promising candidate for use as a permanent magnet free of rare-earth elements because of its favorable properties. In this study, single-phase L 1 0 -FeNi powder...
Formation of L10 Ordering in FeNi by Mechanical Alloying and …
2023年4月10日 · L10-type ordered phase of FeNi was detected in between the Fe and Ni-rich phases. The presence of superlattice reflections in nanobeam electron diffraction patterns confirmed the formation of the hard magnetic L10 phase beyond any doubt.
用XRD(使用Cu-kα 射线源)分析薄膜的晶体结 构和织构, 用场发射扫描电镜(FE-SEM)观察薄膜的 表面形貌, 用振动样品磁强计(VSM, 可提供的最大 磁场为(±30) kOe)获得薄膜的磁化曲线. 2 结果与讨论 图3 给出了[Fe(0.6 nm)/Fe 30.5Pt 69.5 (1.9 nm)] 10 多
Magnetic and Structural Properties of L10 (MnAl)-Ga ... - IEEE Xplore
Results and Discussions: Figure 1 (a) is the XRD pattern result for the samples with x = 0, 3 and 6. All the samples possess the c-axis orientation along the film normal. The (001) super-lattice peak is clearly seen for x = 0 and 3, but decreases its …
XRD patterns of L0, L2, L5, L8, and L10 samples. The
Ce³⁺/Li⁺-activated barium aluminate phosphor (BAO) was synthesized by conventional solid-state reaction method. The crystal structure of the synthesized phosphor was analyzed by X-ray diffraction...
Promoting ordering degree of intermetallic fuel cell catalysts by …
2023年9月22日 · We demonstrate a low-melting-point metal doping strategy for the synthesis of highly ordered L10-type M-doped PtCo (M = Ga, Pb, Sb, Cu) intermetallic catalysts.
Study of FeNi-L10 ordering via quasi equilibrium cooling process
2021年9月24日 · Although XRD patterns were unable to provide direct evidence of L10 presence, there are signs in the post slow cooling-processed samples indicating, at least partially, the production of L10 phase: (a) the XRD pattern modification concerning the prevailing of the (220) peaks, (b) the beginning of a Fe 50 Ni 50 separated phase in some localized ...
Coating layer-free synthesis of sub-4 nm ordered intermetallic L10 …
2022年7月26日 · The high crystallinity of NC is beneficial to improve the stability of the catalyst. The crystal structure of the PtCo/NC-T catalysts were firstly investigated using XRD. The XRD pattern of the PtCo/NC-550 exhibits a small broad peak at 40.3°, which can be indexed to the diffraction peak from (111) plane of A1-PtCo alloy, as presented in Fig ...
Formation of L10 Ordering in FeNi by Mechanical Alloying and …
The present work describes the synthesis of ordered L10 FeNi from elemental Fe and Ni powders by mechanical alloying up to 12 h and subsequent heat treatment at 623 K for 1000 h without a magnetic field and for 4 h in the presence of 1.5 T magnetic field.
Formation of L10 Ordering in FeNi by Mechanical Alloying and …
2023年4月10日 · The present work describes the synthesis of ordered L1 0 FeNi from elemental Fe and Ni powders by mechanical alloying up to 12 h and subsequent heat treatment at 623 K for 1000 h without a magnetic field and for 4 h in the presence of 1.5 T magnetic field.