Accuracy International AWM - Wikipedia
In November 2009, British Army sniper Corporal of Horse (CoH) Craig Harrison, a member of the Household Cavalry, set the record for longest recorded sniper kill, at the time, by killing two Taliban machine gunners consecutively south of Musa Qala in Helmand Province in Afghanistan at a range of 2,475 m (2,707 yd) taking 10 shots to hit the targe...
2018年7月21日 · AW/L118A狙击枪,AW是AW枪族的基本型。 AW步枪原本只有7.62mm NATO口径型,在1998年,AI公司推出了5.56mm NATO口径的AW。 标准的AW机匣长225mm,圆柱 …
L118A - Call of Duty Wiki
The L118A is a bolt-action sniper rifle that appears in Find Makarov: Operation Kingfish, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 and Call of Duty: Black Ops 6. It was first shown during footage at the Call of Duty XP event. The L118A is seen in a weapons cache during Soap's briefing with Shepherd. L118A at the top.
L118A2: Accuracy International Arctic Warfare - YouTube
http://www.patreon.com/ForgottenWeaponsCool Forgotten Weapons merch! http://shop.bbtv.com/collections/forgotten-weaponsAfter the British adoption of the Accu...
L115A3狙击枪 - 百度百科
是英国军方的新式远程 狙击步枪,这种武器能够在1英里(约1.6公里)外对目标实施精准打击,它将被应用于 阿富汗 战场,取代之前射程较短、火力较弱的武器。 据英国《每日邮报》2008年3月7日报导,这款型号为L115A3的 狙击步枪 重6.8千克、长130厘米,能够射出更重的子弹,且弹速能达到每秒936米,远超过英军使用的L96 狙击枪 的每秒838米弹速和1000米的射程。 同时新款枪还装有一个高科技望远 瞄准镜,是L96的瞄准放大功能的一倍, 这种枪将带来巨大变化,敌 …
MW3 L118A3 for AWP in L4D2 - YouTube
Skin and sound preview. Replaces the AWP in Left 4 Dead 2 with the AI Arctic Warfare Magnum (L115A3) from CoD: Modern Warfare 3Skin: https://steamcommunity.c...
Accuracy International AW Rifles for Sale - Hinterland Outfitters
Accuracy International Rifle Systems are perhaps the world's strongest and most reliable weapons for sale on the firearms market today. The machined action of AI rifles is bonded to a full length alloy chassis system for brutal strength in even the harshest environments.
MW3 L118A3 Gameplay - YouTube
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L118A3 - Steam Community
Steam Community: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 - Multiplayer.
《幽灵行动:荒野》武器介绍——L115A3 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
L115A3是 英国 的 精密国际有限公司 (AI)所研发的 AWM-F型狙击步枪 的制式编号,于2008年被英军所采购。 AW系列狙击步枪是一个比较出名的狙击步枪系列,被许多特种作战单位所采用,同时也出现在许多经典的FPS游戏中。 AW系列 由AI公司在 PM/L96A狙击步枪 的基础上改进而来,最基础的型号为 AW/L118A。 后来AI又根据不同的作战要求推出了 警用型AWP 、 消声型AWS 、 马格南型AWM/L115A 以及 大口径型号AW50,带 后缀-F 的则为采用了 AICS折叠枪托 …
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