L1A1 Self-Loading Rifle - Wikipedia
The L1A1 Self-Loading Rifle (SLR), also known by the initial Canadian designation C1, or in the U.S. as the "inch pattern" FAL, is a British version of the Belgian FN FAL battle rifle.
L1A1 Self Loading Rifle (SLR) | ParaData
The L1A1 Self-Loading Rifle, is the British version of the Belgian FN FAL rifle, and was produced in the UK, under licence, to meet the need for the army to have a rifle capable of firing the new NATO 7.62 ammunition. Introduced in the mid to late 1950s, and designed to be semi-automatic only, the SLR proved popular in service.
The L1A1 IWS was quite versatile and could be fitted on the L1A1 SLR, AR15, L7A1 GPMG, Carl Gustav and L42A1 Sniper Rifle. Under clear starlight conditions it had a range of up to 300 metres, which increased as light levels increased.
Deactivated L1A1 SLR - Real-Gun.com
Deactivated British L1a1, early `60`s abs stocked version, strips, cocks and dry fires and comes with sling, spare mags, inerts, full cleaning kit and blank firing adaptor. Condition is excellent and comes with correct deactivation certificate:
Original, British I.W.S. Mounting Bracket L4E1, for L1A1 SLR.
These are original, British Army issue, Mounting Brackets for the Individual Weapon Sight (I.W.S.) night vision 'scope, to mount the sight onto the L1A1 SLR. Originally supplied as one of the 4 'standard' mounts held in the hard case for the original US made 'Starlight Scope' and subsequently the L7 IWS (for Infantry versions of the sight ...
L1A1 and the IWS - milsurps.com
When you consider that was our best option in the Falklands War, it leaves you agast at the poor old squaddie once again carrying that at 2.9 Kgs and everything else with a 6.75 volt battery …
The L1A1 Self Loading Rifle (SLR) with IWS ( Individual Weapon …
The L1A1 Self Loading Rifle (SLR) with IWS ( Individual Weapon Sight) 1st. Generation Image Intensifying night sight. 3D Rotational Imagery
The 'SAWES' Training System for the L1A1 SLR & SA80 Service Rifles
For interest and comparison, here is the L85A1 with its mounted IWS (Individual Weapon Sight). The first generation of image intensifying night sight. Click image or this link for "3D" Rotational imagery of the rifle in this configuration.
Milsurps Knowledge Library - The WEAPONSIGHT, IMAGE INTENSIFIED, L1 ...
2008年12月21日 · The IWS weapon sight was a 3.75x magnification first generation British weapon sight, based on a triple staged intensifier tube with Automatic brightness control, in fact it is the same tube that was used in the later versions of the US PVS-2 system.
FAL L1A1 エイミング・コレクター | Chicago Blog
今回ご紹介するのはFAL L1A1 エイミング・コレクターです。 今更感がスゴイですが、実は取り付けたことが無かった品です。 皆様ご存知だと思いますが、エイミング・コレクターとは訓練の際、教官が横から覗き込むと、ミラー越しに照準を確認できるという便利グッズです! イギリス軍はこういった照準補助器が妙に充実している気がします。 本品にはペッパーズ ゴーストの原理を利用して45度の角度でレンズが入っています。 この原理は1862年には登場していたそ …