L200 Datasheet (PDF) - STMicroelectronics
The L200 is a monolithic integrated circuit for voltage and current programmable regulation. It is available in Pentawatt package or 4-lead TO-3 metalcase.Current limiting, powerlimiting, thermal shutdown and input overvoltage protection (up to 60 V) make the L200 virtually blow-out proof.
L200 Datasheet – Adjustable Voltage and Current Regulator
2016年1月20日 · The L200 is a monolithic integrated circuit for voltage and current programmable regulation. It is available in Pentawatt package or 4-lead TO-3 metal case.Current limiting, power limiting, thermal shutdown and input overvoltage protection (up …
The L200 is a monolithic integrated circuit for volt-age and current programmable regulation. It is available in Pentawatt® package or 4-lead TO-3 metal case. Current limiting, power limiting, thermal shutdown and input overvoltage protection (up to January 2000 Pentawatt® TO-3 (4 lead) 60 V) make the L200 virtually blow-out proof.
60 V) makethe L200 virtually blow-outproof. The L200 can be used to replace fixed voltage regulators when high output voltage precision is required and eliminates the need to stock a range of fixedvoltageregulators.
2015年9月10日 · The L200 is a monolithic integrated circuit for voltage and current programmable regulation. It is available in Pentawatt package or 4-lead TO-3 metal case. Current limiting, power limiting, therma shutdown and input overvoltage protection (up to …
Adjustable regulator using L200 - CircuitsToday
2009年3月31日 · Here is the circuit diagram of an adjustable voltage regulator using IC L200. L200 is a monolithic integrated adjustable voltage regulator IC having features like current limiting, thermal shut down, power limiting, input over voltage protection etc.
L200 by STMicroelectronics Datasheet | DigiKey
View L200 by STMicroelectronics datasheet for technical specifications, dimensions and more at DigiKey.
The L200 is a positive variable voltage regulator which includes a current limiter and supplies up to 2 A at 2.85 to 36 V. The output voltage is fixed with two resistors or, if a continuously variable output voltage is required, with one fixed and one variable resistor. The maximum output current is fixed with a low value resistor.
基于L200的应用电路图–电路图–电子工程世界 - EEWorld
2024年7月17日 · L200是一款单片集成可调稳压器IC,具有限流、热关断、功率限制、输入过压保护等功能。 最大耗散功率. L200具有内部限制,以减少热量耗散。 这种情况发生在内部结温达到150°C。 数据表中具有安全工作区的曲线图,但是,如果最大输出电流达到2安培,输入电压减去输出电压的差必须小于20伏特。 规格. DC输入电压:40V最大. 峰值输入电压:60V最大,10毫秒. 输出电压范围:2.85至36V. 输出电流范围:0.1〜2A. 静态电流:4.2毫安. 输出噪声:80uV. …
L200 Datasheet by STMicroelectronics | Digi-Key Electronics
View datasheets for L200 by STMicroelectronics and other related components here.