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Ducabike L25 Ultimate foldable levers for Ducati
Ducabike L25 Ultimate adjustable brake and clutch lever kit for Ducati. Made of high-strength aluminum with black anodized surface treatment. The regulator is anodized in several possible colors. Adjustable in up to 5 positions and folds to avoid …
Ducati | 杜卡迪中国官网
始于 1926 年的杜卡迪不仅仅是一个摩托车品牌,也是一个多元化的世界,以激情与热爱造就了独家的产品,创新的技术和独特的风格,赋予品牌无穷的生命力。
中国大陆杜卡迪在售车型参数与报价 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
杜卡迪在中国一共发布了7个车系,分别为: 魔鬼(Diavel) 骇客(Hypermotard) 骇道(Hyperstrada) 怪兽(Monster) 揽途(Multistrada) 街头霸王(Streetfighter) 超跑(Superbike) 车系一:魔鬼(Diavel) 在…
Ducabike Performance Technology L25 ULTIMATE Folding Lever …
Ducabike Performance Technology L25 ULTIMATE Folding Lever Set for Ducati Multistrada V4 / S / Sport.
Ducabike Performance Technology L25 ULTIMATE - GP Racing
In ergal 7075, worked from the full load, hard oxide surface treatment, adjustment of the red pivot, offers the possibility of making braking more
L25 - PERFORMANCE TECHNOLOGY Ducati Multistrada V4 …
NEW DESIGN! Stainless steel pivot integrated in the lever Greater grip on the pilot's fingers Special sliding bearings Safety joint in the event of a fall: the lever rises, avoiding damage to the pump Possibility of varying the length of the lever from short to standard through the colored tip APPLICATION: Ducati MULTI
coppia leve freno/frizione ultimate regolabili pt ducati multistrada v4 / s 2020-2022 Oltre 120.000 accessori moto in pronta consegna. A casa tua in 24 ore: scopri di più
Estriberas pasajero - Motos Luis
Marca: Ducati. Estriberas Cilindricas 7/16 L25 Ducati. Juego de estriberas cilindricas de metrica 7/16 con 25 mm totales de longitud de vastago.
Kit leviers réglables Ducabike L25 Ultimate pour Ducati
Kit de leviers réglables de frein et embrayage Ducabike L25 Ultimate pour Ducati. Fabriqués en aluminium de haute résistance avec traitement de surface anodisé en noir. Le régulateur est lui anodisé en plusieurs couleurs possibles. Réglable jusqu'à 5 positions et se plie pour éviter le casse. Avec double réglage micrometrique.