配件科普:SUIT光学瞄准镜 - 哔哩哔哩
2023年6月1日 · SUIT(英语:Sight Unit Infantry Trilux,意为:由Trilux生产的步兵瞄准装置)是一款4倍的放大倍率的快拆式(英文:Quick-detachable)瞄准镜,在黄昏和黎明时段,可以使用内置的氚管作供电照明。 该瞄准镜在现在的英国军队之中的全称为SUIT L2A2。 该瞄准镜的设计并不是作为狙击手专用的瞄准具,而是要安装在特等射手的步枪和机枪手的通用机枪以上使用。 类似这款瞄准镜的是美国Trijicon公司的ACOG光学瞄准镜和加拿大ELCAN光学技术公司的C79光学 …
SUIT (sight) - Wikipedia
The SUIT sight was an optional optical sighting system for the British Army's L1A1 Self-Loading Rifle and was also used by the Australians and New Zealanders. It was not widely issued amongst nor used in combat by the British Infantry, Royal Marines and RAF Regiment.
配件科普:SUSAT瞄具 - 哔哩哔哩
2023年5月20日 · SUSAT(英语:Sight Unit Small Arms, Trilux,意为:由Trilux生产的轻武器瞄准装置)是一款4倍的放大倍率的快拆式(英文:Quick-detachable)光学瞄准镜,在黄昏和黎明时段,可以使用内置的氚管作供电照明。 该光学瞄准镜在现在的英国军队之中的全称为SUSAT L9A1。 该光学瞄准镜的设计并不是作为狙击手专用的瞄准具,而是要安装在各款步枪上,而英国军队亦期望被所有的步兵使用。 类似这款光学瞄准镜的是美国Trijicon公司的ACOG光学瞄准镜和加拿 …
Milsurps Knowledge Library - FN 1A1 vs. FN L1A1 vs. FN C1A1
2009年1月4日 · The UK employed the "SUIT" sight as it's standard issue infantry small arms combat sight until the L1A1 SLR rifle was replaced by the current issue bullpup SA-80 with the SUSAT combat sight. The SUIT was designed and developed by the Royal Armament Research and Development Establishment (RARDE), and was manufactured by Avimo Ltd. of Taunton, UK.
In 1973, in an attempt to reduce civilian casualties the L2A1 "Sight Unit, Infantry, Trilux" (SUIT) was introduced into service. The L2A1 SUIT, was attached to the modified receiver cover. The SUIT featured a fixed-focus scope of four-times magnification setting, with an …
细看:英国L1A1步枪 源自比利时经典设计 堪称“自由世界的右手”
2022年10月3日 · 英国列装的型号命名为L1A1自动装填步枪(SLR),该枪于1957年在恩菲尔德皇家轻武器工厂、伯明翰轻武器公司(BSA)和法扎克利皇家兵工厂(ROF)投入批量生产。 L1A1一直在英军服役,从1985年起开始逐步被L85A1无托步枪取代,直至1994年完全撤装。 L1A1采用英制尺寸进行重新设计,并对FN FAL进行了一些修改。 与原型相比,L1A1最大的变化是只能进行单发射击。 其他改进包括:采用了可向前折叠的拉机柄,带有狭长开槽的消焰器, …
L2A1 SUIT questions - milsurps.com
2009年10月18日 · The SUIT is 'calibrated' for up to 300yds in the high position and up to 500yds in the low position (yes, the graticle is a foresight in optical terms.....) so if you zeroed it in at 300 yards or in accordance with the user handbook (in the case of the L1A1 rifle) then regardless of the twist or ammunition, then it should be 'on' at 500 yards.
Service Rifle Optics (From 1945 to Modern) | Canadian Gun Nutz
2010年4月9日 · Now we'll look in detail at one of the sights, the L2A2 Sight Unit Infantry Trilux (SUIT) This is the predecessor to the current SUSAT sight for the L-85 series weapons, and was designed to fit the L1A1 rifle. There were also mounts to allow it to be fitted to the M-16, and the GPMG. I built a web-page about it ages ago, and here's the link:
Reproduction, S.U.I.T. Mount for L1A1 SLR. - DS Solutions
These are reproduction L1A1 SLR top cover mounts for the L2A1 or A2, Sight Unit Infantry Trilux (or SUIT Sight, often refered to as the 'Suet sight'). These are made from original SLR top covers and original bridging pieces with new machined 'T' …
L2A2 Sight Unit Infantry Trilux (SUIT) for FN FAL L1A1 Rifle
Details: L2A2 Sight Unit Infantry Trilux 4x prism sight for FN FAL / L1A1 Self-Loading Rifle, Inch-Pattern FAL – Condition: Overall condition as seen in photos; displaying honest wear commensurate with use and age – notably, the glass shows light scuffs and spotting but the view is clear – due to age, this sight will need to be re-lamped –