L3/33 - Wikipedia
The Carro Veloce 33 (CV 33) or L3/33 was a tankette originally built in 1933 and used by the Italian Army before and during World War II. It was based on the imported British Carden Loyd tankette (license-built by Italy as the CV 29). Many CV 33s were retrofitted to meet the specifications of the CV 35 in 1935.
坦克科普:L3/33小坦克 - 哔哩哔哩
2023年7月7日 · 卡罗·维洛斯 CV-33(Carro Veloce),后名L3/33,是意大利在二战前及二战中使用的小坦克。 类型 小坦克. 原产地 意大利王国. 服役记录. 服役期间 1933— 参与战争/冲突 奥地利内战、第二次中日战争、第二次意大利埃塞俄比亚战争、西班牙内战,斯匈战争、意大利入侵阿尔巴尼亚、英国伊拉克战争 以及第二次世界大战. 生产历史. 单位成本 89,890意大利里拉(1933年) 生产日期 1933–1935. 制造数量 大约2,000–2,500. 衍生型 L3/35、L3 cc、L3 Lf. 基本规格. …
L3/33 CC | War Thunder Wiki
The Carro Veloce, also known as the L3/33, was designed and produced by Ansaldo for the Regio Esercito beginning in 1933. It swiftly became one of the most utilized platforms due to its unique features that made it a very useful vehicle for the Italian terrain. It was a compact, light design with decent mobility.
Italian tankette L3/33
The L3/33 CC ("CC" stands for "contro carro", or antitank version) was an adaptation of the elderly CV-33 of the "Centauro" division, which arrived in Libya too late, missing El Alamein. However, under Kesselring and Rommel, they performed a good fighting retreat into Tunisia.
2021年2月4日 · CV33坦克前面的缩写CV,全称是意大利语Carro Veloce,翻译成中文译为快车,也说明了该型坦克的使用定位。 CV33一改之前的露天乘员舱,变成了全封闭式。 同时为了解决CV29动力不足的问题,意大利专门为此设计了新式的水冷四缸汽油发动机。 发动机也是菲亚特公司自己的产品,名为CV3-005式,虽然是四缸汽油发动机,但是由于意大利自身工业水平限制,仅能给CV33提供43马力,好在CV33总重为3.2吨。 仍可以让CV33拥有最大43公里每小时的公 …
Overview of Italian Tankettes CV33, 35 and 38 - tank-afv.com
The L3 cc (Controcarro) was the only adapted antitank version, using the 20 mm Solothurn AT rifle. A few were built and used in Africa. There were also several prototypes of conversions, including the Semovente L3 da 47/32, a 47 mm gun carrier.
CV 33 (L3 33) & CV 35 (L3 35) Tankette - Comando Supremo
2019年2月24日 · The L3/33 derived its power from a FIAT-SPA CV3 water-cooled engine, capable of providing 43 horsepower. On the road, it would maintain a speed of 42km/h. Additionally, the L3 series utilized a bogie suspension system. The L3/35 saw the most substantial change, relative to the L3/33, in its armament.
L3/33 Tank - Download Free 3D model by Tom.McCahey
A model of the itallian L3/33 tank used during WW2 and one of my favourite tanks due to the frankly ridiculous size sitting at a height of 3ft 11.
L3/33 - Military Wiki | Fandom
The Carro Veloce CV-33 or L3/33 was a tankette originally built in 1933 and used by the Italian Army before and during World War II. Many CV-33s were retrofitted to meet the specifications of the CV-35 in 1935. In 1938, the CV-33 was renamed the "L3/33" while the retrofitted CV-35s became known...
Carro armato Veloce L3/33 - La Seconda Guerra Mondiale
2019年8月19日 · Nome e tipo: Carro Veloce L3/33 CV33; Anno: 1933; Produzione: Ansaldo; Motore: FIAT-SPA CV3 raffreddato ad acqua a benzina da 2746cc. Potenza motore (hp): 43; Lunghezza m.: 3.2; Larghezza m.: 1.46; Altezza m.: 1.3; Peso t.: 3.2; Velocità su strada Km/h: 48; Autonomia Km.: 130; Armamento: 1 mitragliatrice da 6.5mm. Corazzatura max mm.: 14 ...
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