Keeping and breeding the L397 - PlecoPlanet
2010年8月9日 · Took out the L397 and put it back into the tank. Took the cave out of the net saver and opened it to put any fry gently into a container and then to pour them into the new fry saver. Whoa there! There is a hairy male in the cave with the fry. The other L397 must have been a female in the cave with the male and the fry and getting ready to lay.
L397 Pleco (Alenquer Tiger Pleco): Ultimate Care Guide
2023年11月24日 · L397 Pleco fry are simpler to feed than some other Pleco fry. As the fry consume their yolk sacs they should be provided blanched cucumber, wood, algae wafers, and veggie flake foods. It can be easier to manage feeding by moving fry to a breeder box attached to the larger nursery aquarium.
Surprise L397 fry! (and some questions) - Fish Breeding
2022年11月15日 · On the bottom side of the log were a couple juvenile L397s who quickly scurried off into a big patch of java fern! No idea how many are actually in there. So . . . . . . . . excitement (and long story) over, I now have a question or two!
L397 Pleco (Alenquer Pleco): Care, Size, Lifespan, breeding, and …
2022年7月22日 · L397 Plecos will lay about 30 – 50 eggs each time they breed. The majority of the eggs will hatch and the fry survival rate is high. Once eggs are laid, the male will let the female leave the cave, and then it’s the male job to guard the eggs until they hatch.
Panaqolus sp. (L397) (Loricariidae) Cat-eLog - PlanetCatfish.com
catfish species profile for Panaqolus sp(l397) including natural history, classification and how to keep in an aquarium.
L397 alenquer tiger pleco breeding | fry of different sizes
2022年2月19日 · Taking out of cave L397 alenguer tiger pleco fry, move them to a breeder box and selecting some older fry to them move from breeding box in a grow out tank#b...
Surprise L397 fry! (and some questions) - Page 3 - Fish Breeding
2022年11月15日 · @anewbie Funny, my adult L397s seem to prefer zucchini and cucumber flesh over the skin. I usually keep Igapo Explorer on hand (have some in the mail coming to me as we speak), but never thought of mixing it with Soilent Green nor feeding it …
L397 sexing and breeding - now I'm not so sure - PlanetCatfish.com
2014年2月17日 · There are no other fish in there, but a good population of Malaysian trumpet snails as CUC. They get a 30% water change and substrate clean weekly. A few weeks after I first put them in this tank together, one fry appeared. I had previously had a breeding pair of.
My new L397s and Peckoltia compta, imported from the UK to …
2014年9月9日 · I can really recommend chlorella powder for fry food. Supplemented with decapsulated Artemia eggs (eggs without shells). I just put some water in a tiny cup, add some chlorella + artemia eggs and mix it up with the end of a spoon. I then pour it into the rearing box and it covers the ground where the fry will eat it.
L397 Panaqolus/Panaque sp - PlecoPlanet
2010年8月9日 · In April 2008 I decided I just had to have some L plecos and the L397 were my first choice. I bought 6 4-5cm fry from Lealea which I estimate were 4 to 6mths old. At that time it cost $500AU for the 6 of them. I set them up in a 3ft tank with part glass bottom and part gravel, driftwood with anubias and caves.