L42A1 - Wikipedia
The L42A1 was a 7.62×51mm NATO conversion of the Second World War era .303 British chambered Lee–Enfield Rifle No. 4 Mk1(T) and No. 4 Mk1*(T), which had remained in service for some time after the 7.62×51mm NATO L1A1 Self-Loading Rifle replaced the Rifle No.4 as the standard service rifle in 1957.
Lee-Enfield L42A1 Sniper Rifle - with Parts List and Drawings
The L42A1 is a NATO calibre conversion of the famous British Rifle No.4 (T) [for telescoped] sniping rifle of WWII. Between 1970 and 1971, with the adoption of the NATO 7.62mm rimless round, those .303 inch calibre rifles that had given such …
L42A1 狙击步枪 - 枪炮世界
在第二次世界大战期间,英军装备的狙击步枪主要是 No.4 Mk.I (T),这种狙击步枪是由精选的李-恩菲尔德 No.4 Mk.I 加上原本为布伦机枪设计的 No.32 瞄准镜改装而成。 在1950年代中期,北约成员国选定了 7.62×51mm 步枪弹作为北约标准弹,于是英国采用了 FN FAL,并命名为自动装填步枪(SLR)作为制式步枪。 SLR 的远射程性能也很好,但作为狙击步枪时在远距离上的精度达不到狙击手的要求。 所以直到1970年代初期,.303 口径的 No.4 Mk.I (T) 步枪仍然在英军中服役, …
The Last Lee Enfield: the L42A1 Sniper - Forgotten Weapons
2018年8月31日 · Copying the competition rifles, the British military would adopt the L42A1 in 1970, an Enfield action converted to 7.62mm NATO with a shortened and free-floated stock and hand guard and a heavy profile barrel.
The L42A1: A Sniper Rifle To Remember - American Rifleman
2021年7月30日 · The L42A1 is a 7.62x51 mm NATO sniper rifle developed from the World War II-vintage .303 British No.4 (T). The No.4 (T) was Britain’s main sniper rifle of World War II and consisted of a...
L42A1狙击步枪 - 百度百科
L42A1狙击步枪是空枪重4.42 kg的狙击步枪,L42A1的前托较短,可部分地补偿由于改用重型枪管而增加的重量,而且在新设计中枪管的前部也不需要护木支撑。 SLR的远射程性能也很好,但作为狙击步枪时在远距离上的精度达不到狙击手的要求。 在1970年初,在恩菲尔德的皇家轻武器工厂也改装了L42A1的民用型,被称为“强制者”(Enforcer)。 1950年代中期直到1970年代初期,.303口径的No.4 Mk.I (T)步枪仍然在英军中服役,但由此造成的弹药不通用的后勤问题却困 …
U.K. L42A1 SNIPER RIFLE - Sniper Central
2020年9月23日 · The L42A1 is a descendent of a legendary sniper rifle from WWII and it proudly carried that tradition onto the battlefield well into the later part of the 20th century, until it eventually needed to be replaced by a more modernized sniper rifle.
英国恩菲尔德L42A1式7.62mm狙击步枪 - 百度百科
英国恩菲尔德L42A1式7.62MM狙击步枪的主要结构与L39A1式相同,包括采用10发装梯形弹仓供弹,但是扳机与扳机护圈销接在一起,而不是装在机匣上。 两道火扳机的拉力可分别在13.33~17.74N和22.25~28.91N两个范围内调整。 英国恩菲尔德L42A1式7.62MM狙击步枪木制枪托很长,一直延伸到枪管中部,贴腮板也是木制的。 护木上和枪托后面分别固定有前、后背带环,扳机护圈前面的螺钉上还装有一个附加背带环。 英国恩菲尔德L42A1式7.62MM狙击步枪采 …
L42A1 | Gun Wiki | Fandom
The L42A1 is a sniper rifle chambered in 7.62x51mm NATO. It was used by the British Army from 1970 until its replacement by the Accuracy International L96 in 1985. The L42 was the last model of Lee bolt-action rifles using the rear-locking action designed by …
Milsurps Knowledge Library - 1971 L42A1 Enfield Sniper Rifle
2006年10月13日 · The L42A1 is a 7.62x51 mm NATO sniper rifle developed from the World War II-vintage .303 British No.4 (T). The No.4 (T) was Britain's main sniper rifle of World War II and consisted of a carefully selected No.4 service rifle mated with a No. 32 telescopic sight that had originally been designed to go on the Bren light machine gun.