The Hotel - Left 4 Dead Wiki
The Hotel is the first chapter of the Dead Center campaign in Left 4 Dead 2. The four new Survivors start on top of a hotel, The Vannah, which was once an evacuation center but has now been swarmed by the Infected .
The Vannah | Left 4 Dead Wiki - Fandom
It is an eight-story (26.4 m) hotel in Savannah, Georgia where the guests and tourists were able to spend the night in the city and was also used as a convention center where the guests could use the banquet halls for special occasions.
Steam Workshop::The Vannah Hotel (Cleaned) - Steam Community
2020年1月21日 · L4D2 Dead Center's Hotel "The Vannah", ported to Garry's Mod. It's the same hotel as in the Chapter 1, but cleaned (a normal hotel, before a zombie apocalypse). /!\ You DON'T need L4D2 content. Here's a clean version for roleplay, prophunt, cinema and animation, zombie mod, murder or anything you want. The only limit is your imagination.
Left 4 Dead 2/The Hotel - StrategyWiki
2009年12月19日 · Head to the safehouse at the entrance to the hotel. There are two respawn points: On the upper floor, in the room closest to the elevator. On the lower floor, in the room closest to the elevator. At the start of the map, you will …
Chapter 1: The Hotel (Dead Center) - Left 4 Dead 2 (Xbox 360)
The Hotel is the first chapter of the Dead Center campaign in Left 4 Dead 2. The four new Survivors start on top of a hotel, The Vannah, which was once an ev...
Whispering Oaks Motel | Left 4 Dead Wiki | Fandom
The Whispering Oaks Motel is a classic American interstate highway motel comprising a reception block and two wings of bedroom units on two floors enclosing a large central car parking and swimming pool area. It is located on Whispering Oaks Boulevard just southwest of Interstate 16.
咕咕队的日常L4D2 黎明(DayBreak) - 哔哩哔哩
地图名称:黎明(DayBreak) 4.5 基本完美的地图,风景大加分,城市及大桥场景都很还原 -路程稍微有点点长 1.l4d2_daybreak01_hotel (1: The Hotel) 2.l4d2_daybreak02_coastline (2: The Coastline) 3.l4d2_daybreak03_bridge (3: The Bridge) 4.l4d2_daybreak04_cruise (4: The Outskirts) 5.l4d2_daybreak05_rescue (5: Alcatraz ...
Act 1: Hotel - Left 4 Dead 2 Guide - IGN
2012年7月4日 · Head down the stairs to encounter your first foes. Your melee weapons will do nicely in close quarters, but if you see a Boomer hang back and let your teammates take it out with a handgun. You can...
[求生之路2] 死亡旅馆—跑酷地图 - 哔哩哔哩
This map is working in the first chapter of the Dead Center, if you want to play go to link above the video and subscribe on that add-on in the L4D2's workshop. All you need to do is start the Dead Center from the first chapter.
【求生之路2】多特写专-海洋之家酒店 (Oceanhouse Hotel)三方地 …
单关卡三方图,需要按顺序解谜才能开启前进的道路,救援点在酒店1楼大门。 1 喜欢玩三方地图的小伙伴可以加QQ群375076264,群里不定期组织开三。 喜欢玩求生之路2三方地图的小伙伴可以加QQ群375076264,群里不定期组织开三。 简介:单关卡三方图,需要按顺序解谜才能开启前进的道路,救援点在酒店;更多实用攻略教学,爆笑沙雕集锦,你所不知道的游戏知识,热门游戏视频7*24小时持续更新,尽在哔哩哔哩bilibili 视频播放量 277、弹幕量 0、点赞数 10、投硬币枚 …