Landsverk L-62 Anti II - Wikipedia
Landsverk L-62, also known as Landsverk Anti II or a combination of both, Landsverk L-62 Anti II, was a Swedish self-propelled anti-aircraft gun construction that was specifically designed for …
L-62 ANTI II | War Thunder Wiki
The L-62 ANTI II was an SPAA developed by Landsverk of Sweden. It was based on the Anti I, but with an improved hull and turret and armed with a 40 mm Bofors L/60 anti-aircraft gun. It …
【战雷情报】——L-62 ANTI II:芬兰人的选择|拜伦速译 - 哔哩哔哩
The L-62 ANTI II is a Swedish SPAA design, developed in the early 1930’s by the AB Landsverk company based on their L-60 light tank. Despite being built in only small numbers and used …
L-62 ANTI II自行防空炮 - 哔哩哔哩
L-62 ANTI II是瑞典AB Landsverk公司于30年代初基于L-60轻型坦克研发的一款自行防空炮。 优点:强大的40mmBofors高炮、可对空也可对地. 缺点:敞开式战斗室. L-62 ANTI II自行防空炮. …
2020年11月24日 · 瑞典在上世纪30年代,以L-60轻型坦克为基础研发了一种自行式防空炮,也就是L-62 ,作为早期投入使用的专业机动防空武器,这款装备参与了二战中欧洲战区的很多作 …
L-62 ANTI II - War Thunder Wiki
The Landsverk L-62, also known as the Anti II, was a self propelled anti-aircraft gun designed for Finland in 1941 by Landsverk of Sweden. It was based on the Anti I, but with an improved hull …
Landsverk L-62 Anti II | Military Wiki | Fandom
Landsverk L-62, also known as Landsverk Anti II or a combination of both, Landsverk L-62 Anti II, was a Swedish self-propelled anti-aircraft gun construction that was specifically designed for …
【战争雷霆-开发日志】L-62 ANTI II:芬兰之选 - 哔哩哔哩
2020年3月6日 · Landsverk 对L-62对研发一直坚持到40年代,于41年研制出了更先进的名为ANTI II型的L-62。 该改进型使用了新设计的车体和炮塔,并使用瑞典自研的传动替换了原先的德国 …
L-62 ANTI II opinions? : r/Warthunder - Reddit
2020年10月29日 · Below average at killing aircraft, very effective at killing tanks and flanking. It doesn't get enough ammo to spam out at aircraft so if you're targeting them, you have to wait …
神似丨但我真的不是“追猎者”...我更狠!_坦克 - 搜狐
2019年3月12日 · 瑞典继L-60之后出口的坦克是在L-60底盘上衍生出的L-62式防空坦克。 L-62是兰德斯维克公司针对国际市场设计的一款安装一门40毫米博福斯防空炮的防空坦克,瑞典军方没 …