Para Pleco L075 Care: Complete Guide for Beginners
2023年6月15日 · Para Pleco (Peckoltia sabaji) also known as the L075 pleco is a fascinating catfish! With their striking appearance and fascinating behavior, Para Plecos are a popular choice for many aquarium enthusiasts. In this guide, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know so you can successfully care for these unique freshwater fish.
L075 Para Pleco (Peckoltia sabaji) - Aqua Imports
The L075 Para Pleco or Leopard Pleco is a beautifully patterned pleco found in fast-flowing, rocky waters throughout the Orinoco and Amazon basins. As a medium growing and colorful pleco, it is a good addition for a medium to large aquarium and is generally peaceful towards tankmates.
Para Plec L075-Peckoltia sabaji - Fishkeeper
The Para Plec is a beautiful suckermouth catfish species suitable for large, mature softwater aquaria. In the wild, these shy bottom dwellers live amongst rocky substrates in fast flowing rivers and therefore require decent current and a good level of oxygenation within the aquarium.
PlanetCatfish.com - Peckoltia sabaji (Loricariidae) Cat-eLog
A relatively gentle pleco even when at its maximum size. Appears to do well with its own kind as well as other plecos of a similar temperament / dietary requirements. Suggested Tankmates
L75 Peckoltia sabaji PARA PLECO – Tsunami Aquatics
The L075 Para Pleco or Leopard Pleco is a beautifully patterned pleco found in fast-flowing, rocky waters throughout the Orinoco and Amazon basins. As a medium growing and colorful pleco, it is a good addition for a medium to large aquarium and is generally peaceful towards tankmates. The L075 will usually coexist with
L075 Para Pleco (Peckoltia sabaji) - shop Imperial Tropicals
Common Name: L075 Para Pleco. Max Size: 10" pH: 5.5-7.0. Hardness: Soft. Temperature: 75-82° Aggressiveness: Peaceful. Region of Origin: South America. Captive Bred or Wild: Wild. Diet: Frozen or live meats, occasional vegetables. Compatibility: Plecos, catfish, schooling fish, livebearers, rainbowfish. Tank Mate Options: Red Shoulder Severum ...
L-75 Rio de Para Pleco - Tropical Live Fish Store
The true Rio De Para pleco is rare and may be the most exceptionally colored pleco on the market. Also called the L75 Leopard Pleco, when they are caught by our Colombia exporter it is a treat. These plecos are bright yellow and gold with a leopard spot pattern on the dorsal fin and broad lines and spots all over the body.
L-75 Rio de Para Pleco for sale – AquariumFish.com
These plecos are bright yellow and gold with a leopard spot pattern on the dorsal fin and broad lines and spots all over the body. Typically caught at three inches, many come in at five and six inches. All are gentle scavengers and very hardy.
L075 Peckoltia sabaji | PlecoPlanet
2009年4月8日 · Compatibility: One of the most peaceful plecos, the para can be a little shy but seems to get on quite well with conspecifics, other plecos and fish. Sexing and Breeding: Diet: An omnivore, so fresh vegetables such as courgette, deshelled peas, green beans should be fed.
L75 Para Pleco / Peckoltia Sabaji for Sale Online | Live Freshwater ...
L75 Para Pleco / Peckoltia sabaji For Sale Online | 5-7" / Wild Caught | lowest prices guaranteed | Free shipping on qualifying orders | Shop now
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