L85 3D models - Sketchfab
L85 3D models ready to view and download for free.
L85 - Sa80 - Download Free 3D model by Jamoues - Sketchfab
2023年3月31日 · NoAI: This model may not be used in datasets for, in the development of, or as inputs to generative AI programs. Learn more. You must log in to comment.
Low-Poly L85a2 - Download Free 3D model by TastyTony
2017年10月12日 · The original L85 was wrought with issues from poorly manufactured parts to frequent malfuctions. The manufacturers eventually admitted defeat and contracted HK to improve the rifle. Several design flaws were corrected and the firearm is now considered to be an all round good rifle; Though it’s past reputation has forever tarnished it’s name.
3D model L85A2 - SA80 Variants VR / AR / low-poly - CGTrader
Lowpoly, optimized for modern game engines. Elements which require animation have been detached, and named. Important: Weapon model and textures only. Tris/Verts: Everything above is in it's own texture set, so you can mix and match …
L85A2 免费的3D模型 - .c4d .fbx - Free3D
免费下载, 3d L85A2 模型. 提供c4d, fbx. 并使用Cinema 4D创建.
SA80 L85 Rifle 3D Model - 3DCADBrowser
Download SA80 L85 Rifle 3D Model for 3ds Max, Maya, Blender, Cinema 4D, Unreal, Unity and other 3D modeling, animation, VR packages.
L85 3D Models - 3DCADBrowser
Download L85 3D Models for 3ds Max, Maya, Cinema 4D, Lightwave, Softimage, Blender and other 3D modeling and animation software.
L85-A2.cob3D模型 - TurboSquid 261521
Created due to the severe lack of British Army equipment in 3D format, this L85-A2 (SA80) rifle should make the perfect addition to any 3D weapons collection. It was created in TrueSpace and with a little bit of tweaking all exterior parts can be made to move correctly.
L85A2 - 3D model by Ulfen [a80b7b1] - Sketchfab
The L85A2 is a variant of the SA80.