SA80 - Wikipedia
The SA80 (Small Arms for the 1980s) is a British family of 5.56×45mm NATO service weapons used by the British Army. [4] . The L85 Rifle variant has been the standard issue service rifle of the British Armed Forces since 1987, replacing the L1A1 Self-Loading Rifle.
British Enfield SA80 Part 8: Grenade Launchers - Armament Research
2017年6月3日 · By this time the US AAI M203 (largely produced by Colt) was well established as an industry standard, and one example was adapted to the bullpup shape of the L85A1. More effort was made this time, with a standard L85 handguard cut away underneath to permit attachment of both launcher and handguard.
独家揭秘 | 那些与SA80步枪交织的“下挂榴弹发射器们”
第一个是德国黑科勒&科赫HK79的改进型,在2000s初的英国未来综合士兵技术(FutureIntegrated Soldier Technology, FIST)期间,也出现在了L85A2的测试中。与同时期的M203相比,HK79并不算是一款优秀的榴弹发射器,所以它的出口并不成功。
SA80突击步枪 - 百度百科
SA80突击步枪(英军统称为 L85A1)是一款采用5.56×45mm NATO弹药的英国 无托结构 突击步枪。 发射5.56 × 45 毫米 NATO弹药,对应 STANAG弹匣。 英军命名为L85。 SA80的含义是“Small Arms for the 1980s”(中文翻译为“1980年代的轻武器”)。 SA80系列是英式使用5.56mm子弹的轻武器。 能选择开火模式,气压式上弹武器,SA80实验本首先在1976年被试用并在1994年最终完成。 作为SA80武器家族的变形版本,L85 从1987年开始作为英国陆军的标准配发武器, …
SA80 History: Underbarrel Grenade Launchers - Forgotten …
2017年5月31日 · In our final segment on the SA80 family of weapons, we are looking at a selection of underbarrel grenade launcher adaptations of the L85 rifle. Specifically, we will see a prototype XL60 series launcher, a prototype Enfield XL70 series system, an adaptation of the Colt M203, and the final adopted H&K AG SA80 grenade launcher mounted on the L85A2.
SAS制式步枪不简单!|轻武专栏 - 哔哩哔哩
ag-c下方还有一个小握把,使用舒适度要完爆m203。 相对L85,英军对L119A1和A2比较满意,在阿富汗和伊拉克战场上,SAS手中的这两种步枪的表现也相当不错,可以完全压制当地武装分子的AK47步枪。
l85步枪作为英国制式武器真的那么不堪吗?连枪都不可靠的军队还 …
英军希望l85a3可以将l85系列原定的2025年退役时间向后顺延。 不过这样做的代价可不小,根据英国国防部与德国黑克勒-科赫公司签署了升级合同,首先改装的5000支L85A2,每支成本为420美元,约合人民币2634元。
Trials and Tribulations: Britain’s Quest for Area Effect Weapons ...
2019年12月1日 · By this time the U.S. AAI M203 (largely produced by Colt) was well-established as an industry standard, and one example was adapted to the bullpup shape of the L85A1. More effort was made this time, with a standard L85 handguard cut away underneath to permit attachment of both launcher and handguard.
SA80 History: Underbarrel Grenade Launchers - Surplused
2017年5月31日 · In our final segment on the SA80 family of weapons, we are looking at a selection of underbarrel grenade launcher adaptations of the L85 rifle. Specifically, we will see a prototype XL60 series launcher, a prototype Enfield XL70 series system, an adaptation of the Colt M203, and the final adopted H&K AG SA80 grenade launcher mounted on the L85A2.
L85A3 突击步枪 - 枪炮世界
在 2016 年,英军决定延长L85A2步枪的使用寿命以使用至2025年后,这个SA80A2续命项目(正式叫法是SA80A2 Mid Life Improvement)是在SA80A3的原型(L85A2的最终型),将部分现役步枪进行改进,改进的内容包括:取消机匣顶部的韦弗式导轨,改为与护木连贯的皮卡汀尼导轨;将四面皮卡汀尼导轨护木改为只有顶部和底部是皮卡汀尼导轨、两侧是KeyMod接口的护木,且上导轨延长;改进上机匣细节以提供可靠性和可维护性;配色改为亚光土(即美国人称的FDE色, …
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