SA80班用轻机枪 - 百度百科
英国 SA80 轻机枪,即L86 LSW,分为L86 A1LSW和L86 A2 LSW,L86 A2LSW是L86 A1 LSW的改进版。 此枪由英皇家 兵工厂 研制,属与SA80枪族4种主要的衍生型之一,是在 L85突击步 …
SA80 - Wikipedia
The L86 Light Support Weapon (LSW) is a magazine-fed squad automatic weapon originally intended to provide fire support at a fireteam level. The weapon has a heavier, longer 646 …
Enfield L86 LSW (Light Support Weapon) - Military Factory
2017年7月11日 · The L86 utilizes some 80% commonality of parts with the L85 assault rifle but is classified as a fire support weapon for squad-level engagements, offering accurate, ranged …
L86A1 轻机枪 - 枪炮世界
L86A1式轻机枪结构基本上与L85A1式突击步枪相同,是一种导气式武器,采用枪机回转闭锁方式,由30发弹匣供弹。 导气系统属活塞短行程结构,由活塞、活塞杆和导气节套等组成。 活塞 …
L86A1 SA-80 LSW - Modern Firearms
The final version of the SA-80 LSW was adopted by the British Army in 1986, and total slightly over the 22 000 LSW weapons were manufactured before the production of both L85 IW and …
Enfield L86 LSW (Light Support Weapon) - tvd.im
The L86 shares 80% parts commonality with the L85 Assault Rifle, but is classed as a fire support weapon for class combat and provides precise long-range firepower over the basic L85 …
L86 LSW - Call of Duty Wiki
The L86 LSW is one of two pre-unlocked light machine guns, and the primary weapon for the default Overwatch class, which includes a Red Dot Sight and a Grip. The L86 LSW deals forty …
L86 LSW For Sale $10350.00, Review, Price - In Stock - Gun Critic
The L86 Light Support Weapon is a short-stroke piston driven gas operated rifle with a multi-lug rotating bolt action that is directly based off of Eugene Stoner’s AR18. With a longer 25.4 inch …
CF全方位评测:机枪中的异类强者,L86 LSW-猎人-SS评测
2023年6月20日 · 小结: 虽然首发失准且精度恢复为500ms,但是L86系列的弹道有着显著特色:静止状态下前期极其密集、中期快速上扬达到纵向顶点进入后期;而到了后期,其弹道落点 …
L86 LSW | Modern Warfare Wiki | Fandom
The L86A1 LSW is magazine-fed automatic weapon originally intended to provide fire support at a fireteam level. It has a longer barrel than the L85A1 rifle and a bipod, shoulder trap and rear …