L87 rifle - IIWiki
The L87 rifle is an [ [Arthurista]n assault rifle which replaced the venerable L54 rifle in use since the 1950's with the Commonwealth Army and Commonwealth Marines. In contrast with its long, heavy predecessor, the L87 is a compact, bullpup weapon firing an intermediate cartridge, and as such much more suitable for use by mechanised infantry.
A sweet lil' Stevens Savage 87A .22 / .22L / .22LR - Gun and Game Forum
2017年5月18日 · It's an old gilgun and identical to my old 6A in every way. My 6A was from Savage in Utica New York Circa 46'. The 87A is from Savage Arms Chicopee, mass . Circa 46'-56' just after they moved to Chicopee. Not only does this have the distinctive gill slits on either side of the receiver, it also has the bolt delay trigger.
87A New and Used Price, Value, & Trends 2025 - True Gun Value
A 87A rifle is currently worth an average price of $214.20 used . The 12 month average price is $214.20 used. The used value of a 87A rifle has risen $42.56 dollars over the past 12 months to a price of $214.20 . The demand of new 87A rifle's has not changed over the past 12 months.
The Rimfire Report: The "Gill Gun" - Springfield Model 87A .22 Rifle
2024年8月5日 · The Model 87A or Gill Gun was first introduced in the late 1930s as a cost-effective and reliable small game hunting rifle. The rifle featured a 24-inch barrel capped with a simple bladed iron sight. Underneath the barrel was a long magazine tube that was capable of holding 15 rounds of standard 40-grain 22LR.
Stevens Model 87A Semi-auto Rifle Parts Kit
Each EveryGunPart parts kit comes in our unique vacuum sealed packaging...
Savage/Stevens/Springfield 87A Rifle Gun Stock | eBay
2025年3月13日 · Super happy with how the stock turned out after fit and finish. Very minor fitting may be required.
Savage/Springfield/Stevens 87A Parts & Schematic - Numrich Gun …
Shop for Savage/Springfield/Stevens Model 87A parts, accessories and schematics with Numrich Gun Parts.
Springfield / Stevens Model 87a 22LR rifle - Gill Gun - Guns International
Classic Springfield J. Stevens Model 87a 22LR plinker, also known as the gill gun. Shoots 22LR semi auto, 22 Long & 22 short single shot. Tube magazine. Holds 14 or 15 rounds. Not sure of the exact manufacture date, but these were produced by J.Stevens with the Springfield trade name only up to 1948. Mechanically sound.
Difference between Stevens 87A ,87B - Firearms Talk
2015年11月28日 · It gets a bit confusing with the Triple S guns- Savage/ Springfield/Stevens. In some cases you had the same gun sold under different model numbers for different names- but all made under the same roof. Add in store brands like JC Higgins, Revelation, Westernfield, it gets REAL confusing!
Springfield Model 87A .22 Rifle - Firearms Talk
2015年10月7日 · Buddy of mine handed me an old Springfield Model 87A .22 Rifle Today in parts and said he didn't think all the parts were there, but they were and if it worked I could have it. looked them up and didn't surprise me any they aren't worth a lot and were made by the thousands. and read the action is an odd sort in the way it functions.