L/B灯具寿命标准定义,L90/B10测试表示什么?为什么寿命要 …
L70 表示光通量衰减到了初始光通量的70%, L80 表示衰减到原来的80%, L90 表示衰减到了原来的90%。 B值表示L数据处的故障数据。 B10 表示有10%的 LED 无法达到要求的。 因此,LB值表示某个小时的实际寿命。 比如50000h (L90/B10),即为10%的产品光通量输出降至初始值90%以下时所用的时间是50000小时。 反过来说,是指LED产品具有在工作5万小时后,仍有90%的产品光衰小于10%的可靠性。 TM-21:主要是结合LM80报告跟 ISTMT 报告来推算整灯的寿命。 a、 …
What's The Difference Between L90B10 And L70B50?
6 天之前 · Like L90B10 at 50,000 hours means the LED lamp keeping 90% lumen from initial lumen and only 10% light failed to reach 90% lumen. You can get clearly L70B50 means only 50% lamp survive at 70% lumen remaining at 50,000 hours. So L70B50 light decay is faster than L90B10. From the data, L100B0 is the best quality, but it's impossible to get that.
LED灯具L90B10,L80B10,L70B10定义分别是什么? - 知乎专栏
l70表示光通量衰减到了初始光通量的70%,l80表示衰减到原来的80%,l90表示衰减到了原来的90%。 B值表示L数据处的 故障数据 。 B10表示有10%的LED无法达到要求的。
LED life- What’s the meaning of L90B10 and L70B50? - LinkedIn
2018年7月10日 · L90 of 50,000 hours means that the tested LEDs produce 90% of the initial light output at 50,000 hours. That leads to some new terms like “L70” and “B50.” L70 refers to lumen depreciation to...
我们三防灯客户说要L90B50好像很难做到吧 L90/B50 50%的灯珠
2020年12月4日 · A: L90/B50 50%的灯珠光通量跌至不到90%,这个要求不高,L90/B10才高。 客户是指灯珠报告吗 我客户说他们用的三星灯珠 有这个L90b10的报告 要是成品这个要求感觉难 ,不过客户一般是根据50 85 105那个温度去推算的好像 , J8 j! |7 L# ~. d
Understanding LED lifespan and L90B10 vs L70B50 ratings
A lifetime rating of L70 was the initial benchmark for quality integrated LED light sources. A technology has improved, ratings of L80 and L90 are now achievable. Similarly, a failure rating of B50 was the initial benchmark, which has now raised to B20 or B10. There are two other, less commonly used, ratings that relate to the performance of ...
LED luminous flux maintenance: definition and values - ERCO
Luminous flux maintenance predicts which percentage of the LEDs have a certain decrease in luminous flux after a certain time. Often a specification such as L90 B10 at 50,000h is wrongly interpreted to mean that 10% of the LEDs have failed after the specified operating hours.
LED Lebensdauer: Was bedeutet das? Was steckt dahinter? - Trilux
Der Wert der Totalausfallrate am Ende der mittleren Bemessungslebensdauer Lx (B50, siehe oben) einer Leuchte wird als AFV („Abrupt Failure Value“) bezeichnet. In der Praxis stellen sich allerdings signifikante Ausfallraten bei LED-Produkten erst zu Zeitpunkten weit fortgeschrittener Degradation ein.
LED灯寿命L70和L80B10和L90测试的区别 - 邦阅网-发现真实的外 …
2021年3月2日 · l70表示光通量衰减到了初始光通量的70%,l80表示衰减到原来的80%,l90表示衰减到了原来的90%。 B值表示L数据处的故障数 数据服务
Knowledge What do L/B values L90/B10 L80/B10 L70/B50 stand for?
2020年5月20日 · The L80/B10 specification with 60,000 hours means the luminous flux of no more than 10% of all LEDs reduces to less than 80% of the initial lumens within these 60,000 hours. L70/B50 90,000 hours means 50% of the LEDs have at least 70% lumen maintenance for the projected 90,000 operating hours.