Louisiana Office of Motor Vehicles
Vehicle Services Vehicle Registration Renewal - Renew your Louisiana Vehicle Registration online Notice of Vehicle Transfer - Update your OMV record indicating the disposition of a vehicle if you have recently sold, donated, or traded a vehicle
Louisiana Office of Motor Vehicles
The OMV ExpressLane is an easy way for Louisiana residents to renew their vehicle registration, driver's license or ID card from the comfort of their home or office.
Louisiana - Office of Motor Vehicles | Office List
Shreveport Closed Certified Auto Title, LLC Shreveport Closed Direct Auto Insurance Agency Shreveport Closed Express OMV, LLC Shreveport Closed G & C Honda Shreveport Closed Louisiana Auto Tag & Title LLC Shreveport Closed Mid-City Auto Title & Notary, LLC Shreveport Closed North Shreveport Auto Title Shreveport Closed Crystal's Title Slidell ...
Welcome to OMV Appointments
Before booking an appointment, please take a few seconds to check the status of your license by clicking here. Reinstatement transactions can only be performed in select OMV field offices by appointment only. Additionally, many residents are eligible to renew their license or ID card online without having to visit a field office. Please view a complete list of OMV's online services here.
Office of Motor Vehicles | Office Details - Louisiana
Phone - Call 225-925-6146 and choose option 3 Mail - OMV Mail Center, P.O. Box 64886, Baton Rouge, LA 70896 Online - Visit expresslane.org and select "Contact Us" Public Tag Agent (PTA) - PTAs can perform limited reinstatement transactions. A list …
Louisiana Office of Motor Vehicles - ExpressLane
Your Vehicle Registration Renewal will include a Service Charge for electronic commerce in accordance with Louisiana Revised Statute 49:316.1. NOTICE: Louisiana Law requires that all vehicles you have registered be currently covered with the required limits of liability insurance or other security as provided under R.S. 32:861 et al.
How to Quickly Renew Your Driver's License - ExpressLane
Louisiana law requires your current address to appear on the face of your license. You must visit an office to renew. Your license renewal will include a Service Charge for electronic commerce in accordance with Louisiana Revised Statute 49:316.1. It can take up to 30 days for a customer to receive a driver’s license in the mail.
Office of Motor Vehicles | Office List - Louisiana
Reinstatement services are available at select OMV field offices. To view a list of OMV offices that provide reinstatement services... Read More.
Louisiana OMV Locations & Opening Hours Near Me | DMV.ORG
In Louisiana, the Office of Motor Vehicles (OMV) handles all driver and vehicle services. To locate your closest branch office, simply enter your zip code above or find your county below. LA OMV Office Services Louisiana OMV offices provide a variety of helpful services to assist you with a wide variety of vehicle and driver-related tasks.
Louisiana Office of Motor Vehicles - ExpressLane
Installment Portal Service For installment plan enrollment, please call 225-925-6146 and select option 3. Call centers are available Monday - Friday from 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.