T86戰鬥步槍 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
T86戰鬥步槍 是 中華民國 聯勤 205廠第一款成熟量產的 卡賓槍,也通過了泥沙、海水等試驗,並於1997年(民國86年)正式定型;現行換裝的 T91戰鬥步槍 也承襲其成熟設計。
T86 assault rifle - Wikipedia
The T86 (聯勤 Type 86) rifle is a gas-operated, magazine -fed, assault rifle. It is the second original rifle design conducted by the 205th Armory of Combined Logistics Command of the Republic of China Armed Forces.
SA80 - Wikipedia
The remainder of the SA80 family comprises the L86 Light Support Weapon, the short-barrelled L22 Carbine and the L98 Cadet rifle.
Type 86 - Army Guide
The Type 86 is the 100mm towed antitank gun developed in the late 1980s based on the high-pressure 100mm smoothbore gun technology and the two-wheel carriage of the Type 73 100mm towed antitank gun.
T86 (Type 86) Assault Rifle / Carbine / Light Machine Gun
2019年7月8日 · Page details technical specifications, development, and operational history of the T86 (Type 86) Assault Rifle / Carbine / Light Machine Gun including pictures.
Norinco Type 86S - Wikipedia
The Norinco Type 86S (Chinese: 86S自动步枪[3]; pinyin: 86S zìdòng bùqiāng; lit. '86S Automatic Rifle') is an AKM -type bullpup rifle that was produced by Norinco. Many major parts are interchangeable with other standard Kalashnikov rifles. [4]
T86 (Type 86): Photos, History, Specification - tvd.im
Equipped with an optional bipod and a 100-round C-Mag drum, the T86 can be deployed on the battlefield as a squad support light machine gun. The T86 was never widely accepted by the Taiwanese military as fewer than 5,000 were produced at the time. Production spanned just two years from 2000 to 2002 (by the 205th Combined Service).
86式是我国为适应国外民用枪市场的需求,在国产7.62毫米56式冲锋枪的基础上研制的一种半自动步枪,其外观与国产56式冲锋枪截然不同,所以有人认为它是我国新研制的一种步枪,其实,86s的“内脏”部分与56式冲锋枪基本相同,各项性能指标也大同小异,只是 ...
IL 86 | S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Wiki | Fandom
The IL 86 is a 5.56x45mm bullpup assault rifle featured in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl, S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky, and S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat. It features an integral SUSAT scope in all games. After the British army replaced this rifle with the German-made GP 37, it …
76mm Gun Motor Carriage T86, T86E1, and T87 (Amphibious)
2020年11月25日 · Combat experience in the Pacific led to several experiments and projects to give amphibious capability to US AFVs. As a result of meetings held on the Ritchie Project in December 1943 and January 1944, the National Defense Research Council undertook to develop an amphibious gun motor carriage created from the M18.