HP Compaq LA2306x 23 英寸 LED 背光 LCD 显示器 | HP® 支持
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HP Compaq LA2306x Black 23" WLED Backlit LCD Monitor - Newegg.com
The extra large, yet slender 23-inch diagonal full HD widescreen display on the HP Compaq LA2306x is sure to bring almost any view to life. And the soft black design seemingly vanishes into the background so you can focus on the vibrant …
- 评论数: 5
【HP LA2306x】报价_参数_图片_论坛_HP XN375AA,LA2306,2306x …
这款显示器采用了友达Fast IPS面板和mini-LED背光矩阵技术,具备高动态范围影像和多达576个控光分区。 支持QD量子点技术、160Hz刷新率、1ms响应时间以及SDR/HDR亮度分别为450/1200 [阅读全文] **惠普HP ZHAN D27qs Monitor:专业办公的理想选择**在现代办公环境中,一款高效的显示器是提升工作效率的重要工具。 HP的战系列新品——ZHAN D27qs Monitor凭借其独特的设计和卓越性能,无疑是您工作空间的理想伙伴。 这款24款2 [阅读全文] 【惠普星Vision Pro 27 …
Hewlett Packard Hewlett Packard Hp Promo La2306x Wled Lcd …
2012年12月8日 · With the HP Compaq LA2306 23" Class Widescreen LED Monitor, you get subtle color detail and crisp, views on a large format screen with a 1M:1 DCR, up to a 170 viewing angle, and a fast 5ms response time. Also, a built-in two port USB hub puts flash stick data at …
- 评论数: 2
LA2306x model, 58.4 cm (23-inch) diagonal viewable area display with 1920 x 1080 resolution, plus full-screen support for lower resolutions; includes custom scaling for maximum image size while preserving original aspect ratio
Technical characteristics HP Compaq LA2306x C0H31A8
Just the right monitor for the job. Introducing the HP Compaq LA2306x 23-inch LED Backlit LCD Monitor – an expansive Full-HD1 head-only display with dazzling on-screen technology, a thin profile, and business-friendly connectivity. Bigger just got better.
HP Compaq LA2306x 23 吋 LED 背光 LCD 顯示器 | HP® 支援
尋找支援和疑難排解資訊,包括軟體、驅動程式、規格和手冊 HP Compaq LA2306x 23 吋 LED 背光 LCD 顯示器
Bring your text, graphics, and video to life with large-screen, thin-profile HP Compaq LA2306x monitor. With a soft black design that seemingly vanishes into the background, you can get to work and focus on the vibrant imagery of the LED backlit panel. That’s just the beginning. There is so much more to this expansive monitor than a modern design.
【惠普HP LA2306x参数】HP HP LA2306x显示器参数_规格_性能_ …
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惠普LA2306x - 百度百科