AB 481 - Military Equipment - Los Angeles County Sheriff's …
The law defines the following as military equipment: Unmanned, remotely piloted, powered aerial or ground vehicles. Mine-resistant ambush-protected (MRAP) vehicles or armored personnel carriers. This does not include police versions of standard consumer vehicles.
2024年9月25日 · Military Equipment: As set forth in Government Code section 7070, "military equipment" includes the following: Unmanned, remotely piloted, powered aerial or ground vehicles. Mine-resistant ambush-protected (MRAP) vehicles or armored personnel carriers. This does not include police versions of standard consumer vehicles.
ance, and ammuni on. Some of these items are reportable under AB 481 and some are not. Addenda 1B (Firearms and Ammuni on) and 1C (Less-Lethal Launchers, Ammuni on, and Chemical Agents) list the inventory of AB 481 weapons, ordnance, and ammuni on maintained by the Department. Maintenance costs for these items are absorbed by the PAMO budget, precluding the ability to provide individual ...
防地雷反伏擊車 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
防地雷反伏擊車 (英語: Mine-Resistant Ambush Protection,簡稱:MRAP)是 美國軍隊 提出的一種戰術車輛類型,專門用於抵禦 簡易爆炸裝置 (IED) 及 地雷 的攻擊以及 埋伏 [1]。 专为抵御地雷而设计的轻型装甲车于1970年代由 羅德西亞 軍隊首次引入,并由 南非 制造商进一步开发,从 1974 年开始使用河马装甲运兵车 [2][3]。 南非國防軍 的第一步則是使用了波斯瓦克,这是一种 烏尼莫克,在底盘上装有一个浅的导水槽,以保护船员。 然后是第一代专用车辆,河马和其他 …
International MaxxPro - Wikipedia
The International M1224 MaxxPro MRAP (Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected) is an armored fighting vehicle designed by American company Navistar International 's subsidiary Navistar Defense along with the Israeli Plasan Sasa, who designed …
Lenco BearCat - Wikipedia
The Lenco BearCat[6][7] is a wheeled SWAT vehicle designed for military and law enforcement use. It is in use by numerous [8] military forces and law enforcement agencies around the world.
Manual of Policy and Procedures (MPP) - PARS Public Viewer
2024年1月30日 · © 2025 - Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department - Version 2024.1.30.1
Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department SEB unveils new Lenco X3 FireCat
Deputies from the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department Special Enforcement Bureau (LASD SEB) were called in with their recently acquired Lenco FireCat when an armed suspect lit his own home on fire, raising concerns that gunfire and flames could threaten the residential neighborhood.
SWAT team of the Los Angeles County Sheriff's ... - Reddit
MRAPs were designed as police vehicles, but the army bought a huge number to use and upgraded them for patrolling in areas with IEDs. The has way more than it needs or can afford to maintain, so the demilitarized them and offered them to police departments for free. It may not always be a perfect fit, but it's free so...
RT @Ninja998998: The American M-ATV... - Land Air Sea Defense
2022年1月20日 · RT @Ninja998998: The American M-ATV MRAP can perform "Hull Down" tactics with an excellent hydraulic suspension system. https://t.co/PtLybwdJ8P — LASD -...