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Talk radio for the UK, letting you have your say on the big issues of the day and affecting London and the UK, with breaking news and opinion.
LBC - Wikipedia
LBC (originally the London Broadcasting Company) is a British phone-in and talk radio station owned and operated by Global and based in its headquarters in London. It was the UK's first licensed commercial radio station, and began to broadcast on Monday 8 October 1973, [1] a week ahead of Capital Radio.
Latest Breaking News headlines and opinion | LBC
All the latest breaking UK and world news including pictures and videos - only on LBC.
LBC - YouTube
Starmer faces his first by-election. Will Labour win? Welcome to LBC – the home of live debate on YouTube.Whether you want the latest on current affairs, news or want to join in the conversation...
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Latest UK News | LBC
Who could replace Putin: the bear-catching bodyguard, the ex-FSB chief or the 'Viceroy of the Donbas'? Latest breaking UK news with exclusive photos and videos - only on LBC.
LBC, listen live - Radio UK
LBC Radio is a London-based radio station with the 97.3 frequency and it has been available nationwide since 2014. This station is owned and operated by Global Radio. Top presenters: …