The Last Days of the President - The Atlantic
After leaving the presidency in 1969, Lyndon Johnson lived out the remaining four years of his life in retirement. One of his former speechwriters recounts how he spent it.
The sad years of President Lyndon B. Johnson - Pulitzer
But it was always President Johnson’s firm belief that a Government which lost its mastery over Congress, and in the process lost the faith of the people, on one critical issue, was in grave danger of losing its capacity to command support or trust in anything it touched.
In His Final Days, LBJ Agonized Over His Legacy | PBS News
2012年12月4日 · Forty years ago this month, Lyndon Johnson was agonized to know that Americans thought of him as the architect not of equal rights and Medicare but the hated Vietnam War. Feeling like an...
林登·贝恩斯·约翰逊(Lyndon Baines Johnson,1908年8月27日—1973年1月22日),生于美国 得克萨斯州,政治家、第36任总统。 约翰逊1930年毕业于得克萨斯州西南师范学院;1935年在 乔治城大学 法学院学习一年;1935年至1937年任全国青年总署 得克萨斯州 公署署长;1937年国会补缺选举中当选为 众议员,并任众议院海军委员会委员;1941年至1942年在海军服役;1953年起任参议院 民主党 多数派领袖;1963年11月继任 美国总统。 [7] 约翰逊继任后,他提出有关人权 …
Inside LBJ’s home the night after JFK died - CBS News
On the evening of Nov. 23, 1963, at the end of Lyndon Johnson's first full day as president, my mother and father stood in his living room talking to his daughter Luci. They had been invited to...
Statement on the Death of President Lyndon Baines Johnson.
Note: Former President Lyndon Baines Johnson, 64, died in Johnson City, Tex. On January 24, 1973, President Nixon and his family joined the cortege bearing the body of President Johnson to the Capitol. During ceremonies in the Capitol Rotunda, the President laid a wreath at the bier of the former President.
Remarks Upon Arrival at Andrews Air Force Base
Lyndon Baines Johnson succeeded to the Presidency on November 22, 1963, on the death of President Kennedy in Dallas on the same day. Vice President Johnson, a member of President Kennedy's party on a speaking tour of several Texas cities, was riding in the third car of a motorcade traveling through downtown Dallas when, at approximately 12:30 p ...
In Lady Bird Johnson’s Secret Diaries, a Despairing President and a ...
2021年3月11日 · Lyndon B. Johnson had spiraled into depression, and from his hospital bed after gallbladder surgery, he talked of throwing it all away and retreating into seclusion back home in Texas.
LBJ: Why is Everyone So Sad? (24 Hrs Post-Assassination
Join me for this "read along," as we work our way through the William Manchester account of the tragedy that unfolded in Dallas on 11/23/1963, JFK's assassin...
The Years of Lyndon Johnson-Path to Power : r/books - Reddit
2021年3月18日 · To me, the best chapter in the entire LBJ bio was Sad Irons in the first volume. It was a description of what life was like in the Texas hill country prior to rural electrification. LBJ was one of the people who made this happen. For women in that area, life before electricity was unceasing, backbreaking toil in a very hot climate.