Large bowel obstruction | Radiology Reference Article | Radiopaedia.org
2024年10月13日 · CT is the most widely used modality for assessment of large bowel obstructions and is not only able to confirm the diagnosis and localize the location of obstruction but in most instances also is able to identify the cause. The large bowel will be distended with a thinned stretched wall but should enhance (unless ischemic).
Large-bowel obstruction: CT findings, pitfalls, tips and tricks
2020年9月1日 · Large bowel obstruction (LBO) is associated with high morbidity and mortality due to delayed diagnosis and/or treatment. MDCT has become the standard of care to identify the site, severity, and etiology of obstruction. The goal of this review is fourfold. The first objective is to give clues to differentiate LBO from colonic pseudo-obstruction.
Large-Bowel Obstruction in the Adult: Classic Radiographic and CT ...
2015年5月21日 · Acute complete large-bowel obstruction (LBO) is an abdominal emergency, and imaging with radiography, CT, and contrast agent enema are essential for identifying the cause of the obstruction and dis...
Large-bowel obstruction: CT findings, pitfalls, tips and tricks
2020年9月1日 · CT shows the presence of large fecal matter in the colon and rectum with or without signs of colonic perforation (Fig. 7). In addition to diagnosing the cause of LBO, CT allows to diagnose stercoral colitis which constitutes the main
Large Bowel Obstruction: Etiologies, Diagnosis, and Management
Classic findings on CT for LBO include air/fluid level within dilated colon and failure of oral contrast to pass distally with a change in the caliber of the lumen at the point of the obstruction. 6 CT findings such as wall thickening, mural hypoenhancement, pneumatosis, mesenteric stranding, and peritoneal fluid can indicate ischemia and ...
Radiological diagnosis of large-bowel obstruction: neoplastic etiology
2012年10月30日 · Large-bowel obstruction (LBO) is a relatively common abdominal emergency. The CT exam has become the most important imaging modality for the diagnosis of LBO, following abdominal ultrasound and plain radiography. The recent multi-detector CT (MD-CT) is able to clarify the etiology of LBO and to help in deciding how to treat LBO.
Large-bowel obstruction: CT findings, pitfalls, tips and tricks
Large bowel obstruction (LBO) is associated with high morbidity and mortality due to delayed diagnosis and/or treatment. MDCT has become the standard of care to identify the site, severity, and etiology of obstruction. The goal of this review is …
Large bowel obstruction (summary) - Radiopaedia.org
2019年2月12日 · CT scan of the abdomen is used to identify the site of obstruction, whether it is partial or complete and help identify the underlying cause. The CT scan is almost always performed with IV contrast to delineate blood vessels and allow the …
This review will focus on the most widely used imaging methods for the evaluation of LBO: radiography, con-trast agent enema, and multidetector computed tomography (CT). The final portion of this review describes the ma-jor mimic of LBO, …
Computed tomography in the assessment of suspected large …
Computed tomography with additional selective prone and/or decubitus scanning is highly effective in the diagnosis of mechanical LBO. It is suggested that it replace contrast enema as the initial imaging method.