CD14—细菌脂多糖的膜受体 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
CD14是革兰阴性菌内毒素脂多糖 LPS 和LPS结合蛋白 (LBP)复合物的高亲和力受体。 CD14识别并结合LPS,引起细胞酪氨酸磷酸化、核因子NF-κB转位、触发细胞因子释放和氧自由基产生,在机体免疫、防御系统引起的一系列反应中发挥重要作用。 1. CD14的发现. 1981年,Todd首次从人单核细胞表面发现了CD14。 1985年,Maliszewski从人血清中发现了可溶性CD14 [1],它与之前发现的单核细胞表面的CD14结构相似 [2]。 1990年,CD14被发现可作为LPS/LPS结合蛋白复合 …
LBP作为LPS载体蛋白介导LPS的生物学效应 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
一方面LBP-LPS复合物可以将LPS转递给膜型 CD14 (membrane CD14,mCD14)分子受体。 一定空间构象的LPS与单核细胞、巨噬细胞和中性粒细胞等细胞上的Toll样受体4(Toll-like receptor 4,TLR4)发生密切物理接触后,可诱使TLR4发生受体二聚化或多聚化,形成配体受体复合物,通过酶学级联反应,激活多个转录因子,促使 TNF-a 、 IL-1 、 IL-6 等细胞因子和趋化因子 IL-8 等炎症介质表达,表现出激动剂的效应,并且可增强细胞间的黏附,产生一系列病理反应(炎症反 …
An examination of the LPS-TLR4 immune response through the …
2025年3月18日 · CD14 plays a pivotal role in the LPS-TLR4 signaling pathway by recognizing LBP-delivered LPS and presenting it to TLR4, making LPS the first and most extensively studied CD14 ligand. CD14 exists in two forms: a glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored membrane glycoprotein and a soluble serum protein lacking the GPI tail, both capable of ...
Lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-binding protein stimulates CD14 ... - PubMed
2018年6月29日 · LPS stimulation of CD14-expressing cells induced TLR4 internalization in the presence of serum, and an inhibitory anti-LBP mAb blocked its internalization. Addition of LBP to serum-free cultures restored LPS-induced TLR4 internalization to comparable levels of serum.
揭秘脂多糖致病机制:LBP与CD14的调控网络 - 网易
2024年7月4日 · cd14,作为lps的特异性受体,其存在形式多种多样,主要包括膜联脂多糖受体(mcd14)和可溶性脂多糖受体(scd14)。mcd14作为一种膜蛋白,主要表达在成熟髓源性细胞如单核细胞和巨噬细胞的表面,是lps诱导这些细胞产生炎症因子的关键分子。
Lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-binding protein stimulates CD14 …
Among the LBP/bactericidal/permeability–increasing protein family, LBP is unique in that it binds LPS micelle and transfers a monomer to CD14, which enhances the TLR4/MD-2 response (17, 25). Serum LBP increases ∼10-fold during infection ( 28 ), peaking in the acute phase, which dampens the inflammatory response to LPS in some cases ( 29 , 30 ).
Reconstruction of LPS Transfer Cascade Reveals Structural …
LPS transfer to TLR4-MD2 is catalyzed by both LPS binding protein (LBP) and CD14. To define the sequential molecular interactions underlying this transfer, we reconstituted in vitro the entire LPS transfer process from LPS micelles to TLR4-MD2.
Full article: Genetically Supported Causality Between Immune Cells ...
4 天之前 · Citation 32 Miyagi M and his team discovered that CD14 + cells control the expression of pain-associated molecules through inflammatory cytokines in an autocrine or paracrine manner, highlighting their importance in discogenic LBP. Citation 33 This insinuates that CD14 + cells may play a pivotal role in the pathology of chronic discogenic LBP ...
2024年6月13日 · 采用抗 cd14 单克隆抗体预处理单核 / 巨噬细胞或 pmn 均能明显抑制 lps 对细胞的激活作用 , 尤其是能完全阻断低剂量 lps 的激活作用。说明 cd14 是宿主体内细胞识别 lps 和 lps 激活细胞的重要受体。
CD14: Biology and role in the pathogenesis of disease
2019年8月1日 · CD14 binds to Peptidoglycan (PGN) with partially identical conformational binding sites on CD14 compared with LPS and then leads to TLR2-mediated transcription factors NF-κB, CREB/ATF and AP-1 activation in human and mouse monocytes to …