Individual integrated fighting system - Wikipedia
The Integrated Individual Fighting System (IIFS) consists of the Individual Tactical Load Bearing Vest (ITLBV), the 40mm Grenade Vest, the Field Pack, Large with Internal Frame (FPLIF), and the Extreme Cold Weather Sleeping System (ECWSS).
2013年7月10日 · 这件背心是90年代美军为特战单位定制的一种模块化作战背心,可以叫LBV-M,也可以叫ELBV,也可以叫SOMAV,能收到这件圣器的仿品,真的是RP非常好,要感谢我的基友小屁孩给我的链接,让我了了一个心愿,这个东西在现在原品有多少件不好说,估计也就是百来件甚至几十件的样子,而且价格也是被炒到四五千以上甚至过万。 能有这个原品就是正儿八经的大神了。 感慨完了,下面我们来看一下这款不知名无印良品的一些细节并且与原品进行对比, …
单兵装备模块化简史(上) - 机核 GCORES
Load Bearing Vest, Modular (LBV-D) LBV-M则采用了边缘带锁定旋钮的替换面板的形式实现模块化。 值得一提的是,LBV-M的设计并非Eagle Industries公司原创,最初是80年代由一家名为ZAVTEC的战术装具公司设计,产品原名为SOMAVS:Special Operations Modular Assault Vest System,特战模块化 ...
2023年3月28日 · Eagle Industries Load Bearing Vest, Modular 进入80年代,背心类装具逐渐流行起来,成为单兵装具的主流形态。 背心类装具大致可分为LBV类(可以看作是LCE承载装具的扩展)以及TAC类(马甲式)两种,在初期主要以固定配置的附包为主,但在模块化需求的催生下,背 …
陆战队模块化LBV背心 - Gear Illustration
2017年6月28日 · 陆战队轻量化SPIE吊带/LBV背心系统(Marine Lightweight SPIE/LBE)的一部分,LBV装具子系统。包含一套专配弹药附包。 仓储号参考: Lightweight SPIE/LBE System. MPN:350-506-000. NSN:8415-01-433-9176. 指派日期:1996-07-13
Gen II Military Enhanced Load Bearing Vest - Army Surplus World
Commonly known as the LBV88 / ITLBV / TLBV, the Individual Tactical Load-Bearing Vest is constructed of a seven-ounce Cordura nylon fabric printed in the woodland camouflage pattern. The vest is a part of the 'Individual Integrated Fighting System (IIFS)', and is compatible with a standard pistol belt (sold separately).
Tactical Load Bearing Vest LBV II – Military Surplus
The Enhanced Tactical Load Bearing Vest LBV II is a battle-proven, U.S. Military-issued vest designed as part of the Individual Integrated Fighting System (IIFS). Built for combat effectiveness, this M81 Woodland Camo tactical vest is engineered to carry (6) 30-round M16 magazines , along with two grenade/general-purpose pouches for mission ...
Webbingbabel: US Army Individual Integrated Fighting System
2015年1月29日 · The IIFS Tactical Load-Carrying Vest [also known as the Individual Tactical Load-Bearing Vest or ITLBV, Tactical Load-Bearing Vest or TLBV, and Load-Bearing Vest M-1988 or LBV88] is designed to replace the All-purpose Lightweight Individual Carrying Equipment or ALICE system individual equipment belt and individual equipment belt suspenders as ...
2013年6月18日 · “ESLBV”是 “Enhanced Soldier Load Bearing Vest”的缩写,其意义为“加强版士兵携载背心。 ”事实上,ESLBV是在美军公发的LBV系列战术背心的基础上研制成功的。 LBV系列战术背心是美军公发的经典战术背心之一。 “LBV”其实是“Load Bearing Vest”的缩写,其意义为“携载背心”。 这款战术背心是美军IIFS系统的一部分,是美军之前的ALICE系统的升级版本。 从二者的名称上不难发现,ESLBV与LBV有着千丝万缕的联系。 但是相比之下,ESLBV又拥有很多的 …
U.S. Govt. Issue Load Bearing Vest LBV II | Military Surplus
A now vintage and harder to find item the old Gen II style Load Bearing Vest is also commonly known as the LBV88, ITLBV or TLBV. It is very well-made and constructed of a 7oz Cordura nylon fabric printed in the woodland camouflage pattern. The idea of the LBV is all these pockets; great to use for any outdoor activity with plenty of uses.