Luminous blue variable - Wikipedia
Luminous blue variables (LBVs) are rare, massive, evolved stars that show unpredictable and sometimes dramatic variations in their spectra and brightness. They are also known as S Doradus variables after S Doradus, one of the brightest stars of the Large Magellanic Cloud. P Cygni profile of a spectral line.
[2009.03144] Luminous Blue Variables - arXiv.org
2020年9月7日 · Luminous Blue Variables are massive evolved stars, here we introduce this outstanding class of objects. Described are the specific characteristics, the evolutionary state and what they are connected to other phases and types of massive stars.
LBV | 变星双星知识图谱
物理图像 光度 典型的LBV的本征光度非常高,典型的热星等通常大于-9.5,对应大约 10 6 L ⊙。 但也存在部分低光度的LBV(less luminous LBV), M b o l ≈ − 8 或 − 9。 两种LBV的起源以及演化有所不同(见 赫罗图) [2]。 测光变化
The Extreme LBV Star GR290 (Romano's Star) in M33. Optical ...
2010年10月11日 · We study the long term, S Dor-type variability and the present hot phase of the LBV star GR290 (Romano's Star) in M33 in order to investigate possible links between the LBV and WNL stages of very massive stars.
Luminous Blue Variables - ADS
Luminous Blue Variables are massive evolved stars, here we introduce this outstanding class of objects. Described are the specific characteristics, the evolutionary state and what they are connected to other phases and types of massive stars.
Luminous blue variables and the fates of very massive stars
2017年9月18日 · Luminous blue variables (LBVs) had long been considered massive stars in transition to the Wolf–Rayet (WR) phase, so their identification as progenitors of some peculiar supernovae (SNe) was surprising.
Luminous Blue Variable Stars - an overview - ScienceDirect
Luminous Blue Variable Stars, also known as LBVs, are a class of massive supergiants that are the most luminous stars in a galaxy. They exhibit significant variations in luminosity and temperature over long time scales, often ejecting shells that cause changes in their spectral types.
Luminous Blue Variables - MDPI
In addition the short duration of the LBV phase makes it even harder to catch and identify a star as LBV. We summarize here what is known so far, give an overview of the LBV population and the list of LBV host galaxies.
LBV Stars - Harvard University
Luminous Blue Variable (LBV) Stars are very massive, hot supergiants. They are unstable and variable, with irregular mass ejections. A mass loss episode increases the brightness. A cool (8000-9000K) shell forms around the star, with optical spectra showing an A …
Spectral Variability of LBV star V532 (Romano's star)
2011年4月30日 · The star has revealed an absolute maximum of visual brightness (1992-1994, high/cold state) and an absolute minimum (2007-2008, low/hot state). The variability of the spectrum of V532 is fully consistent with the temperature variations in its photosphere, while both permitted and forbidden lines are formed in an extended stellar atmosphere.