Landing Craft Air Cushion - Wikipedia
The Landing Craft Air Cushion (LCAC) is a class of air-cushioned landing craft (hovercraft) used by the United States Navy and the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force (JMSDF). They transport weapons systems, equipment, cargo and personnel from ship to shore and across the beach. It is to be replaced in US service by the Ship-to-Shore Connector (SSC).
Dock Landing Ship Photo Index LSD-38 Pensacola - NavSource
LCAC-1 enters the well deck of USS Pensacola (LSD-38) during the first underway mating of an LCAC and an LSD. The LCAC carries an M60 MBT, an M151 jeep and an LAV-25 light armored vehicle. US Navy photo from "Modern Military Hovercraft" published by Purnells. Robert Hurst: 62k: USS Pensacola (LSD-38) underway in the Pacific Ocean, August 1988.
LCAC (Landing Craft Air Cushion) - Military Factory
2019年5月2日 · The LCAC is launched by any US Navy surface ship featuring a "well deck". To operate the craft, she needs a base crew of five personnel. The craft measures in at 87 feet, 11 inches long (26.4m) and 47 feet wide (14.3 m).
Category : LCAC-38 (ship, 1991) - Wikimedia
US Navy 070615-N-5033P-112 A landing craft air cushion (LCAC) from Assault Craft Unit (ACU) 4 brings Marine Corps vehicles aboard amphibious assault ship USS Kearsarge (LHD 3) during Kearsarge Expeditionary Strike Group's.jpg 2,241 × 1,500; 1.8 MB
Category:Landing Craft, Air Cushion - Wikimedia Commons
2018年12月27日 · English: The Landing Craft, Air Cushion (LCAC) is a type of air-cushion vehicle/hovercraft used as landing craft by the United States Navy. They transport weapons systems, equipment, cargo and personnel of the assault elements of the Marine Air/Ground Task Force both from ship to shore and across the beach.
Landing Craft, Air Cushion (LCAC) - United States Navy
2021年10月14日 · Features The Landing Craft, Air Cushion (LCAC) is a high-speed, over-the-beach, fully amphibious landing craft capable of carrying a 60-75 ton payload. It is used to...
透视美海军LCAC气垫登陆艇的创新发展和实战运用 - 搜狐
2024年4月16日 · LCAC为美海军及合作伙伴提供了执行任务所必需的灵活性和敏捷性,不仅航速快,冲岸机动性强,而且可以在超视距登陆作战中扮演登陆急先锋角色,还能在人道主义救援、紧急医疗援助、海上抢险救灾以及安全援助等非战争军事行动中大显身手,它能够以40节(1.825千米/小时)的速度航行370千米,最高速度70节。 美海军目前装备了74艘LCAC气垫登陆艇。 此外,日本自卫队也拥有6艘该型气垫登陆艇。 LCAC气垫登陆艇的有效载荷为60吨,标准排水量 …
Landing Craft, Air Cushion (LCAC) - GlobalSecurity.org
2019年9月10日 · 300 miles at 35 KTS without payload.
美海上系统司令部为LCAC量身打造了人员运载模块,使其能够高效地搭载180名人员、145名全副武装的陆战队员或108副担架。 LCAC不仅用于运输全副武装的陆战队员,还承担着伤员撤离和战斗撤离的重要任务。 其操作简便,仅需船长、工程师、导航员、装卸长和甲板工程师5名船员便可轻松驾驭。 船长、工程师和导航员在右舷舱内指挥,而另一个观察员则通过LCAC左舷舱室顶部的气泡窗进行观察。 LCAC气垫登陆艇为美海军及其合作伙伴提供了卓越的任务执行灵活性和敏 …
LCAC 38 - combatindex.com
ATLANTIC OCEAN (June 15, 2007) -- A landing craft air cushion (LCAC) from Assault Craft Unit (ACU) 4 brings Marine Corps vehicles aboard amphibious assault ship USS Kearsarge (LHD 3) during Kearsarge Expeditionary Strike Group's Certification Exercise (CERTEX).