Required Signs - Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board
You are required to post a number of signs and licenses at your business based on your license type. LCB enforcement officers and local law enforcement will look for these signs and licenses when visiting your business to ensure you are complying with liquor, tobacco and cannabis laws.
Year to Date Signs - Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board
These signs help liquor, tobacco, and cannabis licensed businesses determine if a customer is of legal age to purchase alcohol, tobacco, or cannabis products. (Updated annually) Alcohol and Tobacco Year to Date signs for 2025 new. Cannabis Year to Date signs for 2025 new. Alcohol and Tobacco Year to Date signs for 2024.
Labeling, Signs, Sampling and Tasting Requirements
Labeling requirements apply to manufacturers and distributors of liquid nicotine containers (not non-nicotine vapor products). Labels must include: The total volume of the liquid content of the product in milliliters. Manufacturers of closed-system nicotine containers must make an annual disclosure to the Department of Health.
Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board (PLCB) - PA.GOV
The PLCB regulates the distribution of beverage alcohol in Pennsylvania, operates about 575 Fine Wine & Good Spirits stores statewide and licenses 20,000 alcohol producers, retailers and handlers. The PLCB also works to reduce and prevent dangerous and underage drinking through work with schools, community groups and licensees. Know When. Know How.
Resources | Liquor Control Board | Commonwealth of Pennsylvania - PA.GOV
Access prevention resources and information on DUI law. Register for free alcohol education materials from the PLCB. Learn about the HERO campaign's mission to promote sober drivers.
RAMP | Liquor Control Board | Commonwealth of Pennsylvania - PA.GOV
RAMP is a voluntary certification consisting of four program prerequisites - Owner/Manager Training, Server/Seller Training, New Employee Orientation and Signage - that upon successful completion, enable licensees to apply for RAMP certification for approval by the PLCB. RAMP certification can be mandated under the following circumstances:
Custom LED Signage - Neon Sign - Letter Sign Manufacturer - LC SIGN
LC SIGN is most affordable supplier of LED neon light signs. Our customized signs are made from high quality LED flex making them more cost-effective, durable, and safer than real glass neon signs while still providing an incredible visual impact. Click to find out how our process works, custom options and delivery times.
Cannabis store signs to come under local control
2023年4月6日 · Cannabis stores may be able to display larger outdoor signs if they comply with local ordinances rather than statewide regulations from the Liquor and Cannabis Board under a proposal in the state Legislature.
Cannabis Packaging and Labeling Resources | Washington State …
The LCB has developed an expedited review and approval process for cannabis-infused edible products converting to Department of Health Compliant Products. Medically Compliant Cannabis Packaging and Label Guidance
Licensee Online Order Portal
The Licensee Online Order Portal is a convenient platform for wholesale wine and spirits orders.