LCM-8 - Wikipedia
The LCM-8 (" Mike Boat ") is a river boat and mechanized landing craft used by the United States Navy and Army during the Vietnam War and subsequent operations. They are currently used by governments and private organizations throughout the world. The acronym stands for "Landing Craft Mechanized, Mark 8".
Landing Craft, Mechanized, Mk VIII Modification 1 (LCM 8 Mod 1)
Collection of diagrams for updating and modifying the Landing Craft, Mechanized, Mk VIII Modification 1 (LCM 8 Mod 1), by Barbour Boat Works for the U.S. Army Mobility Equipment Research & Development Command, later the Belvoir …
Ship Plans entitled "Landing craft mechanized LCM (8)- Mod. 1 …
Blueprint ship plans entitled "Landing craft mechanized LCM (8)- Mod. 1 Lines & Offsets" produced by Department of the Navy, Bureau of Ships, Washington, D.C. USA. Drawings specify the hull shape and measurements for Landing Craft - Mechanized, 8 mod.
LANDING CRAFT, MECHANIZED (LCM-8) (ROHR AND GUNDERSON MODELS) OPERATOR MAINTENANCE (1905-01-284-2647 AND 1905-01-284-2648) This copy is a reprint which includes current pages from Changes 1 through 3.
This Research Technical Memorandum describes the methods and equipment used to launch a landing craft (L,CM-8) from a height of approximately 20 feet above the surface of the water at an angle of 1Z-1/2 degrees.
TM-55-1905-222-14 Landing Craft Mechanized (LCM-8) (ROHR …
Section II. ADDITIONAL AUTHORIZATION LIST APPENDIX E EXPENDABLE SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS LIST Section II. Expendable Supplies And Materials List Section II. Expendable Supplies And Materials List Section II. Expendable Supplies And Materials List FO-1. LCM-8 PLAN VIEW, HULL STRUCTURE FEATURES FO-2. LCM-8 OIL/WATER SEPARATOR AND BILGE PUMPING ...
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Figure 1-2. Landing craft, mechanized, diesel, design, LCM-8, …
Plan view wiring diagram, hull numbers LCM 8500 thru 8519 (Marinette Marine. Figure 1-2. Landing craft, mechanized, diesel, design, LCM-8, MOD I (Rohr Model). 1-9. Tabulated Data. …
Plan pics of LCM-8 - RC Groups
2011年3月5日 · I'm currently chasing plans for an RC LCM-8. OK guys this is the Portland Rustbucket . FIRST Off i am not trying to high jack this sight at all.!! But I reopen my old …
机械化装备登陆艇 - 国际船舶网
2015年10月23日 · 主要配载于两栖运输舰、两栖船坞运输舰、武装运输舰,抵达登陆作战海区后,用作由舰到岸的换乘登陆工具。 满载排水量50~200t,可载运坦克1~2辆,或辎重物资20~100t。 较典型的是美国的LCM—8级机械化登陆艇,是多国海军中普遍使用的中型登陆艇,于20世纪70年代开始服役,至今仍在使用中。 该级艇有钢质艇和铝质艇,满载排水量分别为 115t和105t;航速9kn,续航力150n mile。 可装载重型坦克1辆,或作战物资60t,或登陆兵200名及 …