Airsoft Guns, Shop By Rifle Models, AK74U / AK Beta - Evike.com
The AKSU is the common term for AK variants featuring a shorter barrel and gas piston length for use by units that need a more compact weapon. Tokyo Marui Ak74U Electric Blowback Full …
LCT TIMS AK47 Steel Airsoft AEG Rifle w/ Side Folding Wire Stock
Magazine Capacity: 130d Mid Cap Works with LCT, Dboy, CYMA and other compatible AK Series Airsoft AEG Magazines Muzzle Velocity: 400-420 FPS (Measured with 0.20g BBs) Gearbox: …
AK47/AK74 Rifle Variants - Airsoft Extreme
Our comprehensive selection of AK47 and AK74 airsoft rifle variants is tailored to meet the needs of both beginners and experienced airsoft players. Our curated collection features a wide …
AKS-47U - 百度百科
AKS-47U的重量为2.73公斤,全长726毫米,比XM117步枪更加小巧轻便。 成功的实现了小型化的AKS-47U在被制式化后, 特种部队 和 内务部 特警部队的反恐怖班也纷纷采用,成为前苏联阵 …
Airsoft AK47 Rifles & Variants | Home Delivery Available
Our vast selection of airsoft AK47s and various variants ensures you can experience this famous gun and all it has to offer during your next skirmish. Explore various options with wooden stock …
AKS-47U的介绍 - 百度知道
aks-47u是一种短管突击步枪,是aks-47的改进型号。它被设计为适合在较小的战斗空间中使用,同时保持了aks-47的火力。 aks-47u的重量为2.73公斤,全长为726毫米。这种武器的特点 …
为什么aks47u这么弱【三角洲行动吧】_百度 ... - 百度贴吧
一问就是好使,一提玩法就是火力压制,一吹就是战场拖拉机,实际上就是几乎不会被这枪打死。 通用新手枪别指望强了,不过这把枪射速低,可以用来练手热身。
LCT AK47 Airsoft AEG Rifle (LCK47) | RedWolf - RedWolf Airsoft
Featuring real wood furniture, the LCT LCK47 is one of the most accurate representations of the iconic AK47. No matter it be in terms of coloration, weight, or dimensions, the LCK47 faithfully …
LCT Airsoft AKS74U Assault Rifle AEG w/ Wood Foregrip - Black
LCT's AKS-74U airsoft replica is the popular carbine version modeled after the original that excels in close quarters and indoor combat.
LCT 電動ガン AK47S 2017ver-総合エアガンショップ モケイパ …
LCTの電動ガンコンプリートのAK47Sの2017ver。 このモデルは、LCTのAKシリーズではスティール削り出しのレシーバーを用いるもので、およそ5年サイクル位で少量限定数しか製作 …