RD-01 Rigid Dielectric Cell -IET Labs
The LD-3 Cell has been discontinued and replaced by the RDC-1; Designed for testing rigid flat materials; 2 Electrode design with guard ring; Designed for 38 mm (Type A) and 5 mm (Type B) samples; Can be used with 1689 Digibridge, 1920 and …
High Temperature Rigid Dielectric Cell LD-3T - IET Labs
The LD-3T High Temperature Dielectric Cell is designed for testing rigid flat materials at elevated temperatures in an oven. The dielectric cell can be used up to 200 Degrees C. Material up to 8cm or 3 1/8 inches with a maximum thickness of 1.1 cm or …
描述 LD-3 Dielectic Cell设计用于根据ASTM-D150测量刚性扁平材料上的介电常数。 有关ASTM D150固体电绝缘的交流损耗特性和介电常数(介电常数)的标准测试方法的更多信息,请参阅ASTM D150 。
LD-3 SERIES Rigid Dielectric Cell Instruction Manual ♦ PRECISION INSTRUMENTS FOR TEST AND MEASUREMENT ♦ Copyright © 2013 IET Labs, Inc. Effectivity: Serial Numbers beginning with E1 LD-3 - LD-3T im/August, 2013 TEL: (516) 334-5959 • (800) 899-8438 • FAX: (516) 334-5988 www.ietlabs.com Long Island, NY • Email: [email protected] IET ...
LD-03リジッド誘電体セル-IETラボ - IET Labs
LD-3 Dielectic Cellは、ASTM-D150に準拠した剛性フラット材料の誘電率測定用に設計されています。 固体電気絶縁材のAC損失特性および誘電率(誘電率)に関するASTM D150標準試験方法の詳細については、 ASTM D150を 参照してください。
LD-03 강성 유전체 셀 -IET 연구소
The LD-3 Cell has been discontinued and replaced by the RDC-1; Designed for testing rigid flat materials; 2 Terminal Design; Designed for 38 mm (Type A) and 5 mm (Type B) samples; Can be used with 1689 Digibridge, 1920 and 7660 Precision LCR Meters and other LCRs
介電測試池-IET Labs,Inc
高温介电电池设计用于在高温下在烤箱中测试刚性扁平材料。 IET Labs manufactures, repairs and supports the GenRad Instrument Line. Products include resistance, capacitance, inductance, decade boxes, standards, stroboscopes, sound level meters, RTD simulators, current/voltage source, voltage dividers and ohmmeters. IET Labs has become the world’s standard in metrology.
高温刚性介电电池LD-3T -IET实验室
描述 ld-3t高温电介质电池设计用于在高温下在烤箱中测试刚性扁平材料。 介电单元可以使用高达200摄氏度。 在介电单元中可以使用高达8cm或3 1/8英寸,最大厚度为1.1cm或7/16英寸的材料。
Figure 1 IET Labs offers a wide variety of LCR meters covering the frequency range from 10Hz to 2MHz, which can be used with any of the dielectric cells. The LD-3 Rigid Dielectric Cell is designed for testing rigid flat materials. Material up to 8cm (3-1/8 inches) with a maximum thickness of 1.1 cm (7/16 inch) can be used in the dielectric cell.
Dielectric Test Cells - IET Labs
High Temperature Dielectric Cell is designed for testing rigid flat materials at elevated temperatures in an oven. IET Labs manufactures, repairs and supports the GenRad Instrument Line.