Lithium diisopropylamide - Wikipedia
Lithium diisopropylamide (commonly abbreviated LDA) is a chemical compound with the molecular formula LiN (CH (CH3)2)2. It is used as a strong base and has been widely utilized due to its good solubility in non-polar organic solvents and non-nucleophilic nature. It is a colorless solid, but is usually generated and observed only in solution.
Ester enolates can be generated with LDA in THF rapidly and quantitatively. The resulting enolates can undergo carbonyl addition reactions with other esters, aldehydes, ketones or alkylation reactions with alkyl halides or tosylates.
19.8: Using LDA to Form an Enolate Ion - Chemistry LibreTexts
Because of its solubility in THF, LDA is a widely used base for enolate anion formation. In this application, one equivalent of diisopropylamine is produced along with the lithium enolate, but this normally does not interfere with the enolate reactions and is easily removed from the products by washing with aqueous acid.
Reagent Friday: Lithium Di-isopropyl Amide (LDA) - Master …
2011年8月5日 · If NaNH 2 is a piranha, then today’s reagent – lithium diisopropylamide (LDA) is like a hammerhead shark. It’s also got a powerful bite, but that distinctive proboscis can get in the way. So LDA can’t reach into tight spaces the same way that NaNH 2 can. Formation Of Less Hindered (“Kinetic”) Enolates With LDA
22.7: Alkylation of Enolate Ions - Chemistry LibreTexts
A very strong base, such as LDA, is often used because of its ability to form the enolate completely. Removal of the carbonyl starting material from the reaction mixture makes it unavailable for nucleophilic addition by the enolate.
1,4-Addition of Lithium Diisopropylamide to Unsaturated Esters: …
Lithium diisopropylamide (LDA) in tetrahydrofuran at −78 °C undergoes 1,4-addition to an unsaturated ester via a rate-limiting deaggregation of LDA dimer followed by a post-rate-limiting reaction with the substrate.
Lithium Diisopropylamide-Mediated Reactions of Imines, …
Several reactions mediated by lithium diisopropylamide (LDA) with added hex-amethylphosphoramide (HMPA) are described. The N -isopropylimine of cyclohex-anone lithiates via an ensemble of monomer-based pathways. Conjugate addition of LDA/HMPA to an unsaturated ester proceeds via di- and tetra-HMPA-solvated dimers.
Continuous flow multistep synthesis of α-functionalized esters via ...
2018年6月21日 · In this manuscript, we present our results on the development of a continuous flow multistep α-alkylation of esters. The sequential process includes in situ generation of LDA, its reaction with the ester to form an unstable lithium enolate intermediate, and subsequent reaction with a suitable electrophile.
Lithium Diisopropylamide-Mediated Reactions of Imines, …
2007年11月7日 · Several reactions mediated by lithium diisopropylamide (LDA) with added hexamethylphosphoramide (HMPA) are described. The N-isopropylimine of cyclohexanone lithiates via an ensemble of monomer-based pathways. Conjugate addition of LDA/HMPA to an unsaturated ester proceeds via di- and tetra-HMPA-solvated dimers.
23.6: Alkylation of the alpha-Carbon via the LDA pathway
A strong base, such as lithium diisopropyl amide (LDA), sodium hydride, or sodium amide, creates the nucleophilic enolate ion which reacts with an alkyl halide suitable for the S N 2 reactivity to form an alpha-alkylated product. The mechanism begins with enolate formation.