London District Catholic School Board
The London District Catholic School Board is one of the largest employers in our region, with an emphasis on Catholic Education. Every day, our schools foster the search for knowledge as a …
Login - London District Catholic School Board
Virtual Learning Environment – Virtual Learning Environment - LDCSB
To access D2L from home, visit https://ldcsb.elearningontario.ca/d2l/home . Saint André Bessette Catholic Secondary School is located in , .
Online Learning - Online Learning - London District Catholic School Board
At the London District Catholic School Board, we offer a variety of courses that utilize content provided by Catholic Virtual Ontario. Please access myBlueprint to see the online courses …
Students – London District Catholic School Board - LDCSB
Login to the VLE with your LDCSB username and password. The LDCSB requires strong passwords to help protect users and their information.
IT Support - ldcsb.scholantistest.com
The Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) Microsoft Office 365 (Outlook, OneDrive, Teams, etc.) Technical support for LDCSB provided Student Remote Learning Devices
Registration for Grade 9 – Guidance – St. Mary's Catholic High …
Log into you school account. 2. Click on the "LDCSB" folder and select "VLE". 3. Scroll down to your Learning Toolkit and click on the myBlueprint tile icon. 4. The app should open in a new …
LDCSB - Mother Teresa Catholic Secondary School
The fast-growing London District Catholic School Board (LDCSB) will be submitting business cases to the Ministry of Education this month for six new schools in the region. LDCSB …
Registration for Grades 10-12 – Guidance – St. Mary's Catholic …
To access myBlueprint: 1. Log into you school account. 2. Click on the "LDCSB" folder and select "VLE". 3. Scroll down to your Learning Toolkit and click on the myBlueprint tile icon. 4. The …