2024年8月27日 · hifu療程主要是利用高能聚焦超聲波技術,以皮膚下的肌肉筋膜層(smas層)為目標,透過超聲波能量令肌肉筋膜層連同肌肉、皮膚等一起收緊,達到緊致提升、減淡皺紋功效。
HiFULDM - Duo Waves Facial System – OxygenCeuticals
HiFULDM combines two waves technologies in one platform. HiFU : High intensity focused ultrasound, for facial contouring; lifting from within the skin. HiLDM : High intensity local dynamic micro-massage, for promoting collagen, elastin synthesis, hydration, and …
#分享 韓國醫美常見音波機台介紹給大家part 2(海芙音波、極線音波、LDM…
以高強度聚焦式超音波 (High Intensity Focused Ultrasound; HIFU),將超聲波聚焦於單一個點,以產生高能量,作用肌膚真皮層、筋膜SMAS層,治療深度為1.5mm~4.5mm纖維中隔與深部SMAS層,治療溫度可到達65℃~70℃ 探頭具有三種深度: 1.
2021年9月28日 · LDM水滴提升采用1MHz/3MHz/10MHz/19MHz并掌握双频及三频超声波交叉技术,能够精确地对不同肌肤层细胞进行有效的治疗。LDM水滴提升可以配合热玛吉、超声刀以及护肤品试用,能达到1+1>2的效果。
LDM Dual Frequency Ultrasound Treatment - Ozhean Zoey
LDM (or Local Dynamic Micro-massage) treatment is a dual-frequency ultrasound technology that delivers ultrasound waves of low and high intensity to the connective tissue of the skin. What is the difference between LDM and HIFU? What is the treatment results and benefits of LDM?
LDM® -MED - skinovachina.com
LDM® -MED是将皮肤问题(老化、痤疮、松弛等)原因(MMPs:蛋白质分解要素)进行有效的降低,将胶原蛋白生成要素的HSPs进行增加,将皮肤改善成年轻、健康的新概念皮肤护理方法。 已被注册专利的LDM® (Local Dynamic Micromassage)技术将特殊振动波的波长以交替形式传导,将皮肤深层的水分提升到真皮层,所有护理后的皮肤可达到即时的保湿效果和提亮肤色的效果,相比之前的激光,这款特殊振动波(HIFU)可以在无疼痛和无副作用的前提下调节皮肤深 …
HifuldmFacial - Face & Body Multi Platform - OxygenCeuticals
A non-invasive contouring treatment device for natural facial lifting and remodeling. It offers a powerful combination of OXY-FU (HiFU), OXY-FX (LDM), and OXY-RF (HiFreq) for comprehensive anti-aging face and body care.
2021年9月8日 · 超声刀是HIFU技术,利用超声波能量刺激皮肤深层筋膜层(Smas)来改善皮肤弹性。 作用原理是将强力超声波聚集到一个点,然后在筋膜层进行调查,热气传到筋膜层,使皮肤组织收缩。
'LDM 관리'가 …
2009年1月15日 · LDM은 Lymph Drainage Massage의 약자로 말 그대로 림프 순환 마사지를 위한 장비로, 초음파를 이용해서 피부 조직을 미세 파동으로 진동시켜, 림프 순환 및 에너지 전달을 목적으로 처음 개발된 장비입니다. 초음파를 이용한 장비 중에 또 유명한 게 울쎄라나 슈링크 처럼 HIFU (고강도 집속 초음파)를 이용해서 초음파로 열을 발생시켜 리프팅이나 부피 감소를 유도하는 장비가 있는데, LDM은 열보다는 진동을 통해서 피부를 마사지해주거나 약물 침투를 용이하게 …
About the HiFULDM Duo Waves Facial System - HBL Spa
2021年8月2日 · What is the HiFULDM Duo Waves Facial System? The term HiFULDM is a combination of HiFU and HiLDM – two ultrasound wave technologies combined under one platform. HiFU stands for high-intensity, focused ultrasound. This treatment is commonly used for facial lifting and contouring.