MOS管的安全工作区(SOA),学好了不烧管 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
soa是个非常有用的图形,对于确定mosfet能否处理你所需要的功率大小来说非常重要,尤其是对于工作在饱和区的mos管。简而言之,想要确保mos管安全工作,就一定要处于soa区域内(图1绿色阴影区)。 . soa可分为5个单独的界限:
Snapback and safe operating area of LDMOS transistors
This paper deals with the measurement and prediction of the SOA boundary and the accompanying device physics. Results are given for n-channel LDMOS transistors having a self-aligned body diffusion.
MOS管的安全工作区SOA详解(一)限制线介绍 - CSDN博客
2024年4月11日 · 顾名思义,SOA区——安全工作区,就是用来评估MOS管工作状态是否安全,是否有电应力损坏的风险的。 只要使用的条件(电压、电流、结温等)不超出SOA圈定的区域,MOSFET必然能够按照我们想象的那样,任劳任怨的持续运行,反之,则可能烧掉。 SOA图形是一个非常有用的图形,特别在一些热插拔,电机驱动,开关电源等用到开关MOS的场合。 因为这些场合,MOS在开通或关断的切换过程中,瞬间功率可能是很高的,如果超过SOA区,那 …
Safe operating area - a new frontier in Ldmos design
Methods of characterizing and analyzing the related thermal SOA and electrical SOA are illustrated. The impact on device size and related trade-offs with breakdown voltage and specific on-resistance are discussed, as are possibilities for improving SOA performance.
Safe operating area considerations in LDMOS transistors
2002年8月6日 · The SOA defines limits on the excursion of the operating point in the I/sub d/-V/sub ds/ plane. To be correct, the SOA should also include thermal limitations; however, these can be treated separately. In this paper, we focus on the "electrical SOA", which is defined by a specific boundary line in the I/sub d/-V/sub ds/ plane.
[PDF] Short and long-term safe operating area considerations in LDMOS ...
2005年4月17日 · This paper views the LDMOS from a power-handling perspective, considering both design and characterization aspects, the complex nature of the L DMOS safe operating area (SOA) and examples of the various kinds of SOA. This chapter introduces integrated power devices and their reliability issues.
第二部分:LDMOS 器件中的 RF、ESD、HCI、SOA 和自热问题与 …
除了这种自热行为外,我们还研究了独立和混合 ldmos 设计的安全工作区 (soa) 边界和静电放电 (esd) 行为,包括 qs 和不带 qs。 首次,HCI 退化、自热行为、SOA 边界、
An LDMOS with large SOA and low specific on-resistance
An LDMOS with nearly rectangular-shape safe operation area (SOA) and low specific on-resistance is proposed. By utilizing a split gate, an electron accumulation layer is formed near the surface of the n-drift region to improve current conduction capability during on-state operation.
LDMOS_SOA_Considerations - 百度文库
Lateral DMOS transistors are widely used in mixed-signal IC circuit designs, particularly where power handling is important. Both high-voltage (20 to 100 V) and high current (2 to 3A) output drivers are required for applications within the automotive, …
In designing and using the LDMOS, particular attention must be paid to the electrical stress placed on this component. If the stress exceeds certain limits, the device is likely to fail. The phrase “safe operating area” or SOA is used to define the boundaries that limit the device operating point to conditions that prevent device failure.
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