NGC 225 with Vdb 4 and LDN 1291 - AstroBin
2020年10月14日 · This image was captured over 3 nights: 14.10.20, 17.10.20 and 19.10.2020. The conditions were not optimal due to high clouds and variating seeing. The weather in …
VdB4 and NGC 225 (Sailboat Cluster) (pete_xl) - AstroBin
2024年11月14日 · Contribution Index (beta) is system to reward informative, constructive, and valuable commentary on AstroBin. The image shows the bright reflection nebula VdB 4 (LBN 607) and the open star cluster NGC 225, which is also known as the Sailboat Cluster. The striking dark clouds dominate the entire scene.
2024年10月2日 · Other goodies in this image are the dark nebula LDN 1291 to the left of vdB 4, LBN 1302 just below vdB 4, and the dusty stringers that appear to be raining down from the cluster.
Sailboat Cluster,Vdb4 and LDN 1291 - Cloudy Nights
2013年10月7日 · Sailboat Cluster,Vdb4 and LDN 1291 - posted in Experienced Deep Sky Imaging: My camera had some issues so I was not able to do flats...however all went together fairly well.
NGC225 (Andrea Bergamini) - AstroBin
Celestial hemisphere: Northern · Constellation: Cassiopeia (Cas) · Contains: LBN 604 · LDN 1291 · LDN 1294 · LDN 1302 · NGC 225 · VdB4
vdB 4 Reflection nebula in Cassiopeia - Gregg's Astronomy
Latest images from Gregg Ruppel
LDN 1291 - Wikidata
A survey of interstellar formaldehyde in dust cloudsdark nebula
ASTRONOMIA DE YAVE (LDN) Catalogue of dark nebulae.
....Y creó Dios las estrellas para separar la Luz de las Tinieblas LYNDS B.T. (LDN) Catalogue of dark nebulae.
2011年12月28日 · 用来表达社会噪声昼夜间的变化情况,表达式为:Ldn=10lg { [16×100.1Ld+8×100.1 (Ln+10)]/24}。 昼夜等效声级(Ldn) 也称日夜平均声级,符号“Ldn”。 用来表达社会噪声昼夜间的变化情况,表达式为: Ldn = 10lg { [16×100.1Ld + 8×100.1 (Ln+10)]/24} 式中:Ld——白天的等效声级,时间从6∶00-22∶00,共16个小时; Ln——夜间的等效声级,时间从22∶00-第二天的6∶00,共8个小时。 为表明夜间噪声对人的烦扰更大,故计算夜间等效声级 …
LBN 603, LDN 1295 and LDN 1296 - TheSkySearchers
2021年8月15日 · Within this large structure are dark nebulae / molecular clouds from LDN, TGU and PGCC. Most visible are LDN 1295 and LDN 1296, TGU H807 and TGU H809, PGCC G121.04-09.96. A few background galaxies (barely visible) are annotated. Image and details can be accessed at the link below (or by clicking on the …