Finding EPDs for LEED v4 and v4.1 - Green Badger
2019年7月24日 · Today, we’re going to take a look at what you need to know about Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) to qualify for LEED v4 and LEED 4.1. Let’s start with the basics. What is an Environmental Product Declaration or EPD? Environmental product declarations are independently verified reports based on life-cycle assessment (LCA) studies ...
【LEED 加分工具箱】之 EPD 环保产品声明 - 知乎
epd 在 绿色建筑 中有广泛的应用,越来越多的国际 绿色建筑认证 体系把 epd 纳入得分点考核。 EPD 环保产品声明验证产品为 LEED 认证起到贡献作用的部分得分要求:
Environmental Product Declarations | American Institute of Steel ... - AISC
For specifiers, an EPD offers transparent data that can inform sustainable design decisions, support green building certifications like LEED or GreenGlobes, and help in selecting materials that align with environmental performance goals.
LEED v4.1 的EPD 得分 - oneclicklca.com
探讨 leed v4.1 的 epd 学分中引入的变化和挑战,包括对特定产品 epd 的影响和进行严格审查的必要性。
Making Sense of LEED v.4 materials: EPDs - Sustainable Investment Group
2018年4月27日 · An EPD (Environmental Product Declaration) is an independently verified and registered document that communicates transparent and comparable information about the life-cycle environmental impact of products.
环境产品声明(EPD)入门指南 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
环境产品声明 (environmental product declaration, EPD) 是根据 产品生命周期评估 (product life-cycle assessment, LCA) 透明地报告商品或材料对环境影响的文件。 LCA 评估了从原材料开采到产品处置的整个产品生命周期中的环境影响。 从这些 LCA 衍生的 EPD 通过比较不同材料和产品对环境的影响来支持碳减排目标,帮助为建筑物或基础设施选择最可持续的选项。 建筑师、工程师和设计师能够为他们的项目选择最可持续的选项。 制造商能够优化其产品的影响并推销其 …
the same, and LEED has a number of different requirements and standards that an EPD must have incorporated, or you’re SOL. Let’s break it down for you. What is an Environmental Product Declaration? Environmental product declarations are independently verified reports based on life-cycle assessment (LCA) studies. The
EPD and MIR Option 2's in LEED v4.1 | Green Badger
At Green Badger, we work with hundreds of LEED project teams to review their LEED scorecards, provide quarterly project reviews, or even provide LEED consulting services. This allows us to keep tabs on which products actually comply with the EPD and MIR Option 2 credits so that teams can earn these points.
v4.1 EPD Option 2 (optimization) - no viable way to mandate
2020年4月17日 · GreenBadger offers a free download titled "LEED v4.1 EPD and MIR Option 2 Product Guide QUARTERLY UPDATE – OCTOBER 2022" which provides lists of numerous products that will meet the Option 2's for both EPDs and MIR's.
EPD(环保产品声明)在绿色建筑解决方案中的重要性 | 佐敦|[CN]
累积分数和获得 leed 认证的一个关键要素是要拥有第 iii 类产品特定 epd,确保充分展现所选产品对环境的影响。 独立验证和透明度 LEED v4 认证之所以能对第 III 类产品特定 EPD 打出满分,是因为其经过独立验证,并且详细说明了所用特定产品在整个生命周期内对 ...
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