LEED AP with specialty - U.S. Green Building Council
The LEED AP exams measure knowledge about green building, a specific LEED rating system and the certification process. The exam is ideal for individuals who are actively working on green building and LEED projects.
LEED professional credentials - U.S. Green Building Council
A LEED credential denotes proficiency in today’s sustainable design, construction and operations standards. More than 203,000 professionals have earned a LEED credential to help advance their careers. Showcase your knowledge, experience and credibility in the green building marketplace as a LEED professional.
LEED AP BD+C Certification & Credential Overview - GBES
Learn about the LEED AP BD+C (Building Design & Construction) rating system & how to pass the exam to earn this specialty AP credential here.
LEED GA / AP分开备考,完整攻略,你只需要看这一篇! - 知乎
LEED是一套国际认可的 绿色建筑 评估体系,由美国绿色建筑委员会(USGBC)开发。 该体系针对不同项目类型,分别从多个方面评估新建筑项目在该评估体系下的得分,从而赋予该项目绿色建筑等级(共四级)。 说白了,一个新建筑项目想要成为绿色建筑,就要让第三方(GBCI,绿色建筑认证协会)用LEED来给自己的打分,从而判断能否成为绿色建筑,以及能成为哪一级别的绿色建筑。 而在建筑设计过程中,建筑设计公司的LEEDAP (LEED认证专家)负责管理整个LEED …
【完整版】美国绿色建筑LEED AP证书介绍
2024年9月9日 · LEED AP(LEED Accredited Professional),是美国USGBC针对LEED专业人士而设定并认可的LEED认证工程师。 持有AP资格的专业人士,能从LEED角度对整个项目从规划、设计、施工、运营等领域进行系统管理和项目认证申报,且AP在LEED项目申报时可用于创新章 …
LEED AP BD+C Credential | BD+C Exam Prep & CE Courses - GBES
This page holds everything you need to EARN and MAINTAIN your LEED AP Building Design and Construction (BD+C) credential. Making the leap from LEED GA to LEED AP? Use the practice tests to learn while getting feedback on your progress or get our Platinum Pack Bundle with all of our LEED AP BD+C Study Tools for big savings.
Preparing for the LEED AP with specialty exam
This four-week study plan is a great place to start preparing for your LEED AP BD+C exam. The LEED AP Candidate Handbook contains a list of study references and sample questions. One of the best study resources is the LEED Reference Guide for Building Design + Construction .
一次通过【LEED GA/AP(BD+C)】考试经验分享 - 知乎
LEED(Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design)是目前国际上最为先进和最具实践性的绿色建筑认证评分体系,由美国绿色建筑协会(USGBC)于2003年开始推行,目前在世界各国的各类建筑环保评估、绿色建筑评估以及建筑可持续性评估标准中被认为是最完善、最有影响力的评估标准。 如今LEED已经成为全球公认的主流绿色建筑评级体系,得到全球不同气候带国家的认可。
About the LEED AP with specialty exam - U.S. Green Building …
The LEED AP with specialty credential equips you with advanced knowledge in green building as well as expertise in a LEED rating system. We offer the following five LEED AP with specialty credentials:
The LEED AP with specialty exam contains 100 randomly delivered multiple choice questions and must be completed in 2 hours. Candidates who have a current LEED Green Associate credential can register for the specialty-only
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